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Slow Down

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2004 7:39 pm
by Lady Death
ps: sorry i posted this on BG - TOB forum too, and i dunno how to delet it from there, the post was supposed to be here

Hi all.
Its been 1 or 2 years that I come to this forum as a guest, and just watch the posts and you guys talking about the game...Now i have a problem and i think you guys are the right ppl that i can count on (and now i wanna talk about this game too xD i love it so much)

Now, about the problem.

I just installed BG2 + ToB + Official Patch + Flirt Pack + Quest Mod + Banter Pack
I dont know if the problem that is going on here is about the mod, but thats just for the record.

When i play the game, i can play it normally, i have the banters and quests and all the stuff the mods provides, but, every 5 minutes (or around five min.) the game slows down A LOT (like i had no RAM to run the game) and the game stays completely slow for around 2 minutes. thats happening everytime, and it happens only with Baldurs Gate 2, not with any other game that i´m playing, so i assume that the problem is a game issue or something.
I´ve searched in the forums if any1 has this problem, but couldnt find it, so now im posting it xD

Can anyone help me?

Ah, and by the way, what are WeidU (or something like that) Mods? what does that means?

Tnx in advance

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2004 8:05 pm
by Qwinn
As to why your game is slowing down, I'm afraid I can't help. I've never had those issues. It does sound like a problem with "paging" memory to the hard disk, and the only fix for that would be to get more memory for your computer. How much memory does it have now?

WeiDU is a tool that was developed for creating mods. One big advantage it has is that when deployed properly, all WeiDU mods -should- be compatible with one another. Most of the good mods have been developed as WeiDU, so therefore it's highly advantageous to use it. Personally, I don't install -any- mod that hasn't been WeiDU'd.


Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2004 8:13 pm
by Lady Death
pc specs are
256 ram
128 video card

something is wrong
it runs perfectly, but like i said that stuff happens =/

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2004 11:37 pm
by Lady Death
Ok i´ve tried it all.
but its happening
ive already dropped game specs to minimum and its still happening this "bug"

and i now, believe, that it may be some problem on paging memory, cuz it just happened outside bg2 and i remember that sometimes i tried to open msn window + ragnarok and the pc ran slow, when it normally doesnt run slowly.

So, IF the problem is "paging" my memory (and not something in the game, since this time its the only thing that is freezing) does anybody here know about something to make this problem disappear?

tnx in advance x*

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2004 7:30 am
by fable
If it's memory related as you think, try removing as much as possible that runs in the background before loading in BG2. Get rid of screensavers, anti-virus programs, contact managers, Windows scheduler, etc.

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2004 12:07 pm
by Lady Death
ive tried to do that , but it didn´t work.
One thing is that only the graphics go slow. the sound of the game is not affected by that. I will maybe try to reinstall if nothing else works.
any1 has had this trouble?

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2004 8:19 am
by Deadalready
Maybe you need to defrag your computer or check the settings in your control panel.

Are you noticing any graphical errors like green around your character or streaks or something?

Alternatively you might want to trying increasing the amount of space your computer uses to play Baldur's Gate from the usual 300mb to 450 or something.

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2004 12:02 pm
by Ekental
I think defragging should be a last resort thing...
increasing the paging file size might do something...
getting more RAM might also do something
I remember my laptop had 256mb of ram and it got slowdowns before I bought a little more.
Doesnt the game have an option where it auto slows everything down if there are computer issues? If it does try turning that OFF

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2004 2:37 pm
by fable
[QUOTE=Ekental]I think defragging should be a last resort thing...

Perhaps you're thinking of something else, because defragging should be something that every person with a dedicated computer does on a regular basis. I defrag each of my drives every week.

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2004 7:49 pm
by Lady Death
Funny thing, i reinstalled the game and now i think that the slow down stuff is gone ... pretty weird though, if it happens again i will defrag, and increase the cache of bg2 from 300 to 450

Tnx :)