maximum level
Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2004 7:17 pm
maximum character level
there seems to be some debate on the highest attainable level and i believe i can give a definitive answer on the x-box side. on the x-box with the GOTY edition, the maximum level you can reach is only limited by your patience and gold.
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so you wanna be a superstar?
this is not some much of a cheat as it is an exploit, but the effect is the same. using a master trainer and a fortified attribute it is possible to level a skill indefinately. for example...
your heavy armor skill is one of your major/minor skills
your endurance is 101 or higher (either from a constant effect encahntment or from your corpus is the only practical way to do this)
you train heavy armor to 100
you continue to train heavy armor and recieve the message "your heavy armor skill has increased to 100"
you'll notice that as you train it over and over at level one hundred that although the skill doesnt increase, your skill level ups toward your character level up are increasing everytime you train your heavy armor.
i personally have reached level 82 using that method. it is worth mentioning that the game seems to get a little more glitchy as you move toward godliness. it does really help to have those extra hit points once you get into bloodmoon though. anyways, thats my 2 bits. if any of that was confusing, PM me.
there seems to be some debate on the highest attainable level and i believe i can give a definitive answer on the x-box side. on the x-box with the GOTY edition, the maximum level you can reach is only limited by your patience and gold.
highlight to read the SPOILER
so you wanna be a superstar?
this is not some much of a cheat as it is an exploit, but the effect is the same. using a master trainer and a fortified attribute it is possible to level a skill indefinately. for example...
your heavy armor skill is one of your major/minor skills
your endurance is 101 or higher (either from a constant effect encahntment or from your corpus is the only practical way to do this)
you train heavy armor to 100
you continue to train heavy armor and recieve the message "your heavy armor skill has increased to 100"
you'll notice that as you train it over and over at level one hundred that although the skill doesnt increase, your skill level ups toward your character level up are increasing everytime you train your heavy armor.
i personally have reached level 82 using that method. it is worth mentioning that the game seems to get a little more glitchy as you move toward godliness. it does really help to have those extra hit points once you get into bloodmoon though. anyways, thats my 2 bits. if any of that was confusing, PM me.