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Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 2:17 am
by the torturedOne
ok, heres the deal, I have just completed Oderon and Nar Shaddaa, and my efforts to rebuild HK-47 were going well. I can't find the last piece, the one that is supposedly found in Oderon. I've heard the last piece is bought off of that droid in the western side, and indeed I bought the HK processor, but when I got back to the Ebon Hawk there is no dialog option to place the part. did I do something wrong? I left a save in Iziz in case I wanted to go back. Was there something I was supposed to do?

Speaking of Iziz, is there anyway to resolve the conflict between the queen and the general? It seemed like the whole thing just sort of dropped off without warning.

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 2:44 am
by Gigiya
I think the last piece is the droid chassis that can be found on Dantooine...or maybe I'm wrong. I can't remember. Hmmph.

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 8:16 am
by Venoms

i belive you get the chassis after T3 kills the HK's on narshadaa, as for the onderon thing, it comes back a little later.

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 10:04 am
by Darkthz
actually, I bought the last piece from Kodin, the droid dealer on Nar Shadaa

It was only 100 credits, and I was lazy, so I bought it and installed it

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 2:07 pm
by Traya Hata
I'm having the same problem I have everything installed except "all that remains is the droid vocabulator". I have a HK droid processor and a HK protocol pacifist package but am unable to install either. I have gone back to every merchant I can think of to see if they have a vocabulator but can't find it. Did I miss something earlier I can't go back to?

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 2:15 pm
by Gigiya
[QUOTE=Traya Hata]I'm having the same problem I have everything installed except "all that remains is the droid vocabulator". I have a HK droid processor and a HK protocol pacifist package but am unable to install either. I have gone back to every merchant I can think of to see if they have a vocabulator but can't find it. Did I miss something earlier I can't go back to?[/QUOTE]

You get the droid vocabulator on Peragus after killing the HK50.

Never heard of the protocal pacifist package.

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 2:24 pm
by Traya Hata
Doh! Anyway, I bought the pacifist package from Geeda after I set up trade routes to Dxun and Dantooine.

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 7:56 pm
by the torturedOne
[QUOTE=Gigiya]You get the droid vocabulator on Peragus after killing the HK50.

Never heard of the protocal pacifist package.[/QUOTE]

CRAP, that's the piece I missed. dang, I can't believe I forgot to check HK-50 carcass from peragus.

is there no other way of finding one?

perhaps I should ask, is there anyway to cheat myself one? I never use cheats, but I make exceptions for stupid mistakes, like forgetting to check a now inaccessible body for essential loot.

I really wanted to get him on my party, but I have gone way to far to start over.

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 8:18 pm
by Gigiya
There's not really anything you can do.

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 1:50 am
by robkid
I actually saw the vocabulator in a merchant's inventory, so it can be randomly generated, but you'd probably have to get rather lucky.

Got the pacifist protocol tonight, that is one of the funnier things I've seen...

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 6:31 pm
by Rice~Boi
[QUOTE=the torturedOne]CRAP, that's the piece I missed. dang, I can't believe I forgot to check HK-50 carcass from peragus.

Both times i played the game i got the Hk-50 chasis from Nar Shaddaa. When you play as T3-M4 you defeat the 3 assassin droids and one of them should have it.

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 11:31 am
by Harlequin42
HK Droid Vocabulator

Okay, I believe the vocabulator will disappear from your inventory if you don't install it right away. I got the vocabulator off of HK-50's body on Peragus, but didn't install it, figuring I'd just install all the parts at once when I'd found them. After Nar Shadaa I had the other three parts, but amazingly enough the vocabulator was missing from my inventory. Seems like my two options are 1) Start over (bad option) or 2) Start searching merchants for a vocabulator and hope I find one (maybe never).


Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 12:03 pm
Harlequin are you sure you didn't leave it on telos??? Even if you didn't I've seen a droid merchant selling the vocabulator somewhere. Don't remember where, but they randomly are placed I'm pretty sure. So right before you talk to one save your game. Then talk to the merchant and if he doesn't have it or the part you need go back to your saved game and do it over again. That's how I got the Cyan crystal and the Transhodian Sword at Telos so early in the game :)

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 3:01 pm
by mwadlin
[QUOTE=Harlequin42]Okay, I believe the vocabulator will disappear from your inventory if you don't install it right away. I got the vocabulator off of HK-50's body on Peragus, but didn't install it, figuring I'd just install all the parts at once when I'd found them. After Nar Shadaa I had the other three parts, but amazingly enough the vocabulator was missing from my inventory. Seems like my two options are 1) Start over (bad option) or 2) Start searching merchants for a vocabulator and hope I find one (maybe never).


I believe you are 100% correct on this. This is my nineth run through, and I failed to install the vocabulator right away. I can still visualize getting it off the hk50 on paragus (last item in a list of about 3 things) but suddenly I didn't have it. I have seen it in merchant inventory, but not sure where. Think it was that guy outside koonda on Dantooine, but not this time. Sigh. No HK47 this game, I guess.

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 4:10 pm
by Warden Brows
[QUOTE=mwadlin]I believe you are 100% correct on this. This is my nineth run through, and I failed to install the vocabulator right away. I can still visualize getting it off the hk50 on paragus (last item in a list of about 3 things) but suddenly I didn't have it. I have seen it in merchant inventory, but not sure where. Think it was that guy outside koonda on Dantooine, but not this time. Sigh. No HK47 this game, I guess.[/QUOTE]

If you totally screw up, you can enable cheats and use one of the giveitem codes to get it. I don't recommend doing it the first time you play the game, but this game is large and complex and everyone makes mistakes that are just too costly to correct later, even after playing several times. End result, I don't see a problem with cheating once you've seen the story from pretty much all angles and are just trying to explore one particular area.

HK Protocol Pacifist Package: hkpart05
HK Vocabulator: hkpart04
HK Control Cluster: hkpart03
HK Chassis hkpart02
HK Droid Processor: hkpart01

Go there for a complete example of how to enable cheats and use them.

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 5:45 pm
by dorian_gray
[QUOTE=Harlequin42]Okay, I believe the vocabulator will disappear from your inventory if you don't install it right away. I got the vocabulator off of HK-50's body on Peragus, but didn't install it, figuring I'd just install all the parts at once when I'd found them. After Nar Shadaa I had the other three parts, but amazingly enough the vocabulator was missing from my inventory. Seems like my two options are 1) Start over (bad option) or 2) Start searching merchants for a vocabulator and hope I find one (maybe never).


doubt it. you probably sold it by accident.

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 7:04 pm
by Darth Zenemij
yeah you prably sold it, I didn't install it at all till the end.