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Most Annoying Enemy Award

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 7:26 am
by Arachanox
I think goes to the one and only Stone Trolls dam them especially when there are two and every time you go to hit one the other one chucks a flippin ton boulder on yer head, so I think they were the tough ones for me

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 6:02 pm
by joeko
I just hate the nymphs laugh.... it's yuck wakala fuchila

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 12:37 am
by Jacob_s_r
undefinedundefinedYeah those nymphs' laughs get very old very fast. I have to kill a nymph when ever i see one because of it!!!

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 1:50 am
by Frost Drake
Minions piss me off, not only they are unpredictable but their attacks are hard to block once they landed the first hit.

But then, I do enjoy watching my own minion beating up guards, oh the evilness... muahahahaha.

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 4:04 am
by Berniej b
Ahhh ! i hate the nimphs :mad: they stink... but they are lovely when it comes to exp. they cast hobbes so... ;)

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 2:48 pm
by Arachanox
Oops I didn't know they were the same thing I thought those fairies in blue and red were just pixies but there name is actually nymph is it?? You know the fairies you find in the woods mainly a blue summons hobbes and the red scorpions and vines, are they the same? Sorry confused between nymphs on those fairies

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 3:16 pm
by Spenny
hateful, hateful things.

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 4:54 pm
by techoluvr
Nymphs. They piss me off so much with their high pitched laughs and superhuman quick movements. i can only use a bow to killem

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 4:58 pm
by smithrd3512
Out of all the mobs I hate the Bandits most. No matter how big, evil or powerful you are they always want to kill you. Please if I seen a large man with a large sword with horns and in dark plate I am not going to mess with that guy....instead I would run the other direction.

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 9:31 am
by Spenny
you wouldn't point at him and laugh for looking so ridiculous then?

but then, if he was surrounded by flies and leaving red smoke everywhere, i'd probably run for fear of catching something.

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 8:20 pm
by Shinji
i cant stand hobbes the 1s with hammers charge at you while the spellcasters shoot those orbs then just when you think your done in comes the big fat 1 who wants 2 try and eat you

oh and lightning is good for killin nymphs but 2 kill them quick just use multi-arrow with Skorm's bow and your done

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 8:46 am
by Alastor
I'd say a tie between the Nymphs and the pixies. Anything I can't whack with my sword is annoying to me. Specially since I was denied the pleasure of sticking Solus through Jack's guts.

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 7:23 pm
by furmy
this may be a LITTLE off topic but i like bandits. i want to join them and fight the guards and wipe out their entire race. And yes, guards are a race of their own, they are NOT humans.

but back on the subject, i voted nymphs but guards get my most annoying enemy award. Guards are hard because they dont stop coming, just like Cliff racers in Morrowind lolz

right now im trying to find The Guard Generator so they stop coming. i will kill the guard generator.

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 7:48 pm
by Alien_Newborn
Well, I mainly (as I voted) despise Hobbes, namely because of their annoying grunts and cheap magic, but also because it looks ridiculous when a 200-pounds-of-pure-muscle hero gets knocked over by a morbidly obese dwarf-thing in overalls wielding a hammer :D

But I also hate Bandits and Guards for their cowardly, "cut-you-in-the-back-while-you're-attacking-someone-else" tactis :mad: , not to mention their annoying (and almost feminin) battle cries (those guys could do with some lessons from Sunflash The Mace, or someone like that), and the painfully scottish accents of the guards (no offense to all you Scotts out there). The only enjoyable part of their accents is the "It's just a flesh wound!" :D

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 9:17 am
by 3V1L 0N3

"It's just a flesh wound"

that makes me piss myself laughing everytime!

not literally =|

get slapped round the chops with an Obsidian Greatmace and they come out with that lol... classic

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 2:19 pm
by Jaldur
pixies are so annoying to shoot, you either hit them down in 1 shot or it takes 5 minutes. guards are annoying when your trying to lower a fine from 20000. but undead just keep coming! you take 1 down and 5 appear in the graveyard and to think i tried to wipe them out

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 5:30 am
by 3V1L 0N3

Undead do eventually vanish from Lychfield Graveyard if you keep killing them... takes a while though =|

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 3:22 pm
by Mallaka
If you guys are having trouble with enemies, I will give you tips on how to master killing them -- with an ease.

Balverines - One of the most durable enemies. Watch for its tackles. When you hear a 'swoop' sound, hold Y and roll back. Just keep hacking away at it until it dies. Silver augmentations help.

Hobbes - Definetly one of the most annoying of victims, especially those little white ones with the orb stick that catapult explosives at you. Although they are annoying, they are not hard to defeat. They have a low damage tolerance, so a couple powerful blows will do. Piercing/Sharpening Augmentations help.

Nymphs - A Good Bow is a must for these ultra - annoying enemies. They have a middle class damage tolerance, most can only take up to 500 points of damage. Watch out for the "spikes" that it will throw at you, and beware, nymphs spawn new enemies such as hobbes, undead, and even minions. Pull out your bow, and hold it back until it is fully charged. Do not target the nymph while doing this, because it will not come out of its "ball state". When it comes out of its "Ball State", quickly dodge the spikes it throws, and target the nymph, and let her have it right in the grill. The more powerful the bow, the better. Fire Augmentations Help.

Stone Trolls - GREAT FOR WHORING RUBYS. Definetly very tolerable when it comes to damage. Get in nice and close, and hack away at its hard surface. When it jumps up, quickly hold Y+down, and roll back. Repeat the process. Lightning Augmentations help. Same deal with the Earth Trolls.

UnDead - GREAT FOR WHORING EXPERIENCE POINTS. Definetly one of the easiest enemies, they are very easy to take out. Just give them a few chops with your melee weapon, and presto, they will be dead (again). Watch out for when they spawn out of the ground, because they can inflict damage on you. Fire/Silver Augmentations Help. Get a weapon with both of these augmentations and you can just kill away.

Bandits - Some of them have a high damage tolerance, and they are the only enemy in the game that shoots bows. They are also the only enemy (with the exception of villagers) that you can score decapitations on. So if you are shooting from a far distance, whip out your bow and fire directly at these sucker's heads. For close range, Physical Barrier and Enflame are greatly effective. Easy in small quantities, harder in large ones. Piercing Augmentations Help.

Minions - Unpredictable. They can spawn in anywhere, anytime. They also like to annoy your sorry ***with their retarded blocking. Physical Barrier, and Enflame come into play here. Just hack away at them and soon they'll be dead. Unlike the balverine, they do not dive at you, which makes them easier to just run through. Fire augmentations help.

Wasps - This is a joke right? Take these ones out with your fists, or lightning. No augmentations needed for these jokes.

Villagers - Usually one hit with any weapon takes them out. Be careful for the guards.

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 11:46 pm
by someguy13
well i dont kno what theyre called...i hate those nymphs cuz they keep summoning stuff when i fite them... theyre good exp to me tho lol

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 2:05 pm
by ElykTron
How do u think hobbes are annoying?

There are so many they are so fun to kil land so weak!!!! oh man i enjoyed slaughtering them, undead, bandits and guards!!!

Nymphs are so annoying they take 100 years to hit lol