Hey guys i have had one major problem since i started playing SoA i can't access multiplayer games im using a 56k Smartlink Voice Modem it also tells me i need phone numbers to join games ?? where do i get said numbers any help that you could provide would be greatly appreciated thanx.
So you could access your multiplayer games before you started playing BGII?
Do you mean that you cannot play a single player version of your multiplayer games?
I am confused by your question
Tact is for people not witty enough to be sarcastic
Wow modem, had forgotten it existed, when asking for said numbers i would asume it means the hosts number. since modem is dail-up it needs something to dail up to
Yes Julian i know what you mean dail up is becoming obsolete but im just using it while waiting for my broadband package to arrive i was just hoping for a solution in the meantime since i have no idea where to get host numbers i guess i'll just have to wait but thanx for your reply
OK now I see what your talking about...
yeah remember not to pick up the phone when it rings... LOL I remember Warcraft II over the modem. Every time the phone would ring my parents would answer.
Tact is for people not witty enough to be sarcastic
I had the most fun calling people (telephones) with my modem..you hear their voice coming from your computer hihi...Just teenage prank calls, but still very funny. Those were the days: Doom 2 and Red Alert on Modem rocked!!