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Semi-Experienced Player
Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 8:00 pm
by Opperative
since getting morrowind about a year ago on xbox i've player it loads and recently i got GOTY version containing bloodmoon and tribunal i've already played through the main storyline and bloodmoon story line as a breton mage/fighter with an small essence of a theif in there i also have many other characters ranging from level 1 - 20 i've played through most guilds on diferent characters and i have come to a point where i cant think of what to play next. So i was wondering if some of the Expert gamers of morrowind had ideas on what they think is a good custom class to go for i know customs are based on your own personal preferences i enjoy summoning i like magic but dont like using it as my main attack i prefer to be very defensive using magic to enforce my blade i normaly play as female characters even tho i'm a guy because it seperates me from the character and i find it easier to step into a role when i seperate myself from my character.
if anyone has any ideas on skills to choose that would make the game fun yet slightly challenging on most of my other chars i can-triped alchemy and used the money to boost myself and essensialy made the game boring. the character i'm looking to play should be based around....
being able to do house hlaalu quests (havent ever completed these)
Fighter with magic to support
able to play the game with some ease but still have it challenging
i dont want to know how to start the char off and what to do but i've like suggestions on: stats, names(i can never think of suitable names), class name(same as char names i spend ages and never think of anything good) and sign
i hope i havent rambled on too much and i hope that some of you can help and thanks in advance to any replys.
Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 8:19 pm
by fable
Are you playing on a PC? If so, there are literally hundreds of mods you can add-on that include new quests, new shops, new classes, new items, spells, landmasses, towns, etc. Just check the sticky thread at the top for more info.
Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 8:30 pm
by Opperative
unfortunatly not i play using xbox
since getting morrowind about a year ago on xbox
Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 9:03 pm
by fable
Missed that, obviously. Sorry.

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 11:04 pm
by dragon wench
How about a character specialising in stealth that only uses a longbow/crossbow and dagger as weapons. And maybe forbid yourself to do any kind of enchanting with the exception of ease-of-use rings such as CE water breathing, water walking etc. However, no uber defensive or offensive enchantments on weapons or clothing.
That is kind of what I'm doing right now actually. I created a Bosmer Assassin/ mage who relies on her wits, sneak ability and sharp shooting (not to mention illusion, and some hand-to-hand combat). No enchantments, nothing flashy, very low key. She is a lot of fun to play.

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 11:32 pm
by Opperative
hmmm.........interesting i like that idea alot cept not with the stealth aspect since i dont like the very small variaty of light armors a stealth orientated character would use i'm more of a medium armor fan myself i love the royal gaurd armor and Stahlrim armor and i dont think that a stealthed theif using medium realy fits together properly and would spoil the fun. but i'm realy just looking for what other people think would be fun skills to take as a class since i've run out of inspiration i've had all sorts of chars : rangers, Paladins, Knights, Mages, warlocks, assassins, theifs and i nolonger have the inspiration to think up new chars all the ones i can think up now are just like the ones i've made before and i get bored before i've left seyda neen.
Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 12:33 am
by Opperative
[QUOTE=fable]Are you playing on a PC? If so, there are literally hundreds of mods you can add-on that include new quests, new shops, new classes, new items, spells, landmasses, towns, etc. Just check the sticky thread at the top for more info.[/QUOTE]
I have
-Morrowind for XBOX
-Morrowind GOTY for XBOX
-Might have Morrowind for pc (did get it at one point but pc couldnt handle it) i'll try find it since i've got a new pc now. What mods would you recomend?
Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 1:03 am
by dragon wench
lol! There are many, many different mods
The sticky at the top of the page (here: ... hp?t=31850) lists a good number of them, it really depends on your interests, playing style etc. Just be aware that some require Tribunal and/or Bloodmoon, so make sure you only install those that do not need the expansions in order to run.
Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 1:14 am
by Wrath-Of-Egg
Well personally... Argonian Bard.... i liked that character quite much..
But as for medium armor... no it wont spoil the fun.. well atleast not for me.. Yes light armor is good but still those light armors look quite crappy on my eyes.. and i just love bonemold combined with some other armor pieces...
But back to main thing.. Personally try those things that you think that you would hate but you havent tried those... who knows perhaps you will like those anyway.. or hate.. well it is worth trying..
Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 1:18 am
by Opperative
I took aspects from what Dragon said and from wrath since i couldnt decide on armor no armor it shall be i've never played with unarmored since i hate it since i cant use sheilds but i'll try
Character name: something female something Bosmer ? any ideas?
Class name: any ideas
Short blade
this char would use stealth and speed rather than brute force.
take enemies out from a distance and if they get to close use stealth to eliminate them with help of illusion since with unarmored he/she would be slaughtered in close quarters. with athletics and acrobatics levels may increase bit faster than i'd like but i think to go with the speed part of the char athletics is a key skill
Any feedback would be great especialy on the last 2 skills and the names
Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 1:27 am
by Wrath-Of-Egg
Myst and well... just pick random skill..
Some names... for female Bosmers..
But not happy with those...
see this link and generate some more.. ... e&count=30
Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 1:43 am
by Opperative
Name: Irwaen
Class: Shadow Stalker
Short blade
Sign: Atronach? Lady? Lover(for the agil)? Steed?
Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 1:51 am
by dragon wench
Well, this is what I used to create my new character, if it helps at all
And I just realised it is startlingly similar to what you have listed above, lol!

Bosmer Assassin
Bosmer: (Marksman +15, Sneak +10, Light Armour +10, Alchemy +5,
Acrobatics +5)
Custom Class: Shadow Mystic
Birth Sign: Atronach
Specialization: Stealth
Favoured Attributes
Major Skills
*Light Armour
*Short Sword
Minor Skills
It is of course your decision, but I would advise against selecting athletics and acrobatics as skills because you level up so easily and quickly in those. My character is only level 5, and she already has 45 in acrobatics because I'm always jumping while walking.
Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 2:06 am
by Wrath-Of-Egg
Yes that is true.. but since Operative dont have any skill wich would rise endurance fast leveling would give some extra Health.. and since he/she has only short blade wich arent know for high damage and you can get only decent shortblades after playing quite long time.. Or rushing through some factions and mainquest.. but still that Extra health from leveling fast wont be realy unbalancing... since you will meet though monster.. yes you will turn god but that wont happen any sooner than playing pure melee character.. it could be even later...
Lady would be my choise.. but then Atronach for magicka would be lot better in later game.. and ofcourse in beginning when you can cast more paralyze spells and invisibilty and other good illusion spells..
Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 2:17 am
by Opperative
I have decieded and created the char
Custom Class: Shadow Stalker
Birth Sign: Atronach
Specialization: Stealth
Favoured Attributes
Major Skills
*Marksman 50
*unarmored 30
*Sneak 45
*Security 35
*Illusion 30
Minor Skills
*Speechcraft 20
*Mercantile 20
*Alchemy 20
*Short blade 20
*Mysticism 15
Health 30
Magicka 120
Fatigue 150
i heard there were bugs with Mercantile and Unarmored is that true?
and any tips for starting out with unarmored (never done it before)
Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 2:22 am
by dragon wench
[QUOTE=Wrath-Of-Egg]Yes that is true.. but since Operative dont have any skill wich would rise endurance fast leveling would give some extra Health.. and since he/she has only short blade wich arent know for high damage... <snip>
Lady would be my choise.. but then Atronach for magicka would be lot better in later game.. and ofcourse in beginning when you can cast more paralyze spells and invisibilty and other good illusion spells..[/QUOTE]
Good points, I hadn't really thought of that, though I guess it adds to the challenge, and impetus to use Sneak combined with Marksman, if you have fewer HP

It occurs to me, maybe Conjuration would be something to throw into that mix of abilities? Being weaker, it might be helpful if you can summon up critters to help in battles.
I find that Atronach and Lady are the best birth signs in the game, hands down. I always select Lady for fighter characters and Atronach for magic users.
Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 2:29 am
by Opperative
This will definatly be a challenge
Armor rating of 5 with no armor on and only 30hp i'll definatly need to rely on Stealth and range
i'm also not gonna can trip alchemy or use mudcrab or creeper merchants and try hard not to power game as i do with most chars
thanks alot for the help and ideas
Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 2:30 am
by dragon wench
[QUOTE=Opperative]i heard there were bugs with Mercantile and Unarmored is that true?
and any tips for starting out with unarmored (never done it before)[/QUOTE]
Looks cool! Hopefully you'll have fun playing it

I'll be interested to hear how it goes, since it sounds as though this is the sort of character you do not generally lean towards.
I have heard there is a bug with Mercantile, but I've never looked into it because it is not a skill I've ever chosen.
Apparently, though, you have to wear at least one piece of armour for Unarmoured to work properly
Likely the best way to get around this would be to find something like cloth bracers. They still count as armour, but the protection they provide is slight, so you'd be pretty close to unarmoured since they are effectively no more than clothing.
Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 2:34 am
by Opperative
at the moment i'm wearing iron right gauntlet (will replace with wraithgaurd at later stages) that way heavy armor goes up slightly giving me some modifier to Endurance (no other skill in my major or minors give me endurance multipliers)
Do you know and shops that sell dark clothing no mods please i'm on xbox

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 2:45 am
by dragon wench
[QUOTE=Opperative]at the moment i'm wearing iron right gauntlet (will replace with wraithgaurd at later stages) that way heavy armor goes up slightly giving me some modifier to Endurance (no other skill in my major or minors give me endurance multipliers)
Do you know and shops that sell dark clothing no mods please i'm on xbox

Good plan!
Ah yes.. I have had that problem, and I do have access to mods
I would suggest maybe installing Tribunal... this gives you access to the Dark Brotherhood Assassin's Armour. Okay.. I know you don't want armour, especially light armour, but it is worth, at least, thinking about simply for looks. If you want to stick with clothing though, I would advise just the common black shirts and pants you find randomly. Quite often smugglers wear the stuff as I recall. There are a few robes around that are sort of brown and innocuous looking, I know I've seen at least one cowled variety (though I'm not sure if that is due to one of the mods I have installed).
I have been making a habit of simply hitting the clothing shops whenever I am in a new town, you can sometimes find suitable clothing that way too. I can't, off the top of my head, think of any specific locations stocking dark clothing though.