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Issue, SoU, Chpt 2

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 4:49 am
by NeoTiamat
Allright, I seem to have enountered a strange issue while playing the game. I have just finished the interlude, and the game was working fine, no slowdowns, quick loading, etc. then, it seems that no matter what I do, Chpt 2 slows down to inplayability. I just get in the first area, and it usually lags out with 60 seconds. I suspect it is time based as if I just stand there, it slows down, or I can sprint to the first person and get a bit of conversation done, then is slows down. this has not happened before.

I have tried rebooting my comp, and even exporting my character and reloading him, (Didn't work and I lost my henchmen...) Any advice would be appreciated.

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 9:59 am
by Bahamontes
SOU problem fixed - Bioware released a patch

Good News

Bioware has addressed the problem. ... otfix.html

It worked for me.... may it work for you.