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Character Control

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2000 10:12 am
by Chade Fallstar
I read somewhere that there r 2 editors to bg2 - Character Control and ShadowKeeper (which doesn't work on my machine, it just crashes?). Anybody know where I could download the first one?

btw. not that'd i'd like to cheat but I thought 5* in a weapon proficiency was suppost to give you an additional attack / round, what it doesn't. the 5th star is useless only giving you +1 to damage. though there's a fix for that if someone's intrested - it can be downloaded from TeamBG:s site ( ... I think) and it's called BG2_attacks.exe. It'll change the proficiencies to match AD&D rules.

If there is / was a disgussion regarding this topic please reply a link to me =)


Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2000 10:15 am
by daemon
I used teambg's character editor - just make sure you grab the vb6 package (it has a load of required dll's).

Use that along with the old save/mpsave trick.

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2000 2:24 am
by Chade Fallstar
I visited their pages and I didn't see an editor for BG II ... though there was an editor for the original. My question is - does the character editor work with both BG & BG II? =) I could always test it by myself but I'm in the office and I don't get to go to home (to play BGII) until 7 hours ...

for anyone intrested - teambg's site is here [url=""][/url]

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2000 3:45 am
by daemon
i just went to [url=""][/url] and on their front page is "New beta Character Control for BGII"
