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Valygar question

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Valygar question

Post by Qwinn »

If you take Valygar early, does he start badgering you to go to the Planar Sphere the way Nalia insists you go to her Keep? Or can I have him in my party for a few levels (and even the Underdark) before doing the planar sphere? Also, given that the Cowled Wizards are after him, will I be forced to totally avoid anywhere in particular, like for example the building with Tolgerias in it in the Government District?

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Post by fable »

I've had him in one party, and he never bothered me about it. In fact, he has damn little dialog. I understand from the developers that they wanted to fill out his character (and Cernd's) but ran out of time before release. (He was even supposed to be a romantic option for female characters.)
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