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hey nigthhawk, some hell info
Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2000 3:03 pm
by Lucian
ive noted that you in your quest writeup for hell writeup for the test of fear writes you gain +2 con for the evil path...i did some testing and got the +1 imunity wheter or not i took the cloak..i noted that the good animation played in both cases upon placement of the tear..the wings wrapping around you....where like when you attack sarevok..a weird brownish anim appears at placement the evil one i asume..another write that the test of selfishnesh gives +1o mag res in both cases..ive tested that..the good anim plays in both cases there....but..on [url=""][/url] in their bg2 section's walkthrough they say you will get a +2 ac bonus for being evil in that test.....looks like to me that there is a lot more factors playing in..
Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2000 6:21 pm
by Nighthawk
Couple questions:
1) What class were you? The class makes a difference in ways I haven't fully figured out yet.
2) What order did you do the quests in? It seems that once you do a certain number in a good or evil way you get locked to that side. If you got the angel wings, that is the good reward, the underground face is the evil reward.
3) What is your alignment? This may also be a factor.
I'll get the +2 Con fixed. It looks like my characters were locked into the good reward for some reason.
Other than that, I think we have everything covered but I still don't understand what causes the lock-in.
[This message has been edited by Nighthawk (edited 11-14-2000).]
Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2000 1:04 am
by Lucian
I did that with a lawfull evil kensai i directly had moved to hell with the cluaconsole codes AR2900 is hell
use CLUAConsole:MoveToArea("AR2900")