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Zarustha's further travels
Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 5:45 pm
by The Great Hairy
Thanks for the feedback everyone!
I didn't play much last night, as the wife demanded attention. Damn wife. Stupid game.
Anyway, I got Zarustha to Vivic, in which I am now completely and utterly lost. I have no idea where I am at the moment... I need to get outside and try to re-orientate myself!
I did sit on a hill outside Pelagriad and watch the sun go down and the stars come out. Absolutely fantastic. Eye-popping visuals. Then I went and slaughtered mud crabs. Got my Axe skill up to 46. I'm feeling quite tough.
I keep coming across all these named doors in hills and rocks. Too nervous to go into any of them as yet. Maybe when I hit 6th level, I might begin exploring them. Along with all these "ancestral tombs". Sounds scary. Whilst I did find an axe which gives off sparks, I think I need some better gear before I start plundering ancestral tombs... And it's probably not very Paladinic either. Zarustha might have
Cheers all,
Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 10:32 am
by jopperm2
It's somewhat paladinic, there's lots of undead in there.. I wouldn't go stealing stuff in them though, cuz you might need some of those things for quests. You can kill a lot of undead in them though..

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 10:43 am
by dragon wench
lol yes!

The art of balancing the needs of daily reality with virtual reality, and Morrowind can be so incredibly immersive, especially when you roleplay.
I know what you mean about the visuals, the first time I looked up and saw the clear night sky I exclaimed in awe and pulled my son and partner over to the computer screen.
Tombs are actually one of the easier dungeons in the game, if you managed the mating kagouti, you should be okay with the undead down there

Basic rule of thumb though, always save before entering any kind of tomb, cavern etc.
Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 11:49 am
by Ares2382
Also remember that morrowind dungeon monsters tent to scale to your lvl, so if you are a bit wimpy, they will be too. (unfortunnatly after you hit higher lvls the enemies don't become tougher anymore and you become a walking axe wielding killing machine).
So anyways don't worry about exploring the dungeons. After all aren't paladins supposed to rid the world of evil monsters?
Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 4:15 pm
by Greg.
However loot also scales to your level, so you may not find it too rewarding at the beginning.
Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 6:26 pm
by The Great Hairy
Yep, Paladins rid the world of nasty undead. So, I might explore some of the tombs afterall.
Zarustha has just arrived back in Belmora, after a side trip to Ebonheart and Hla Ord. Unfortunately I think I missed gathering some quests in Ebonheart, so I am going to head back there tonight. Hla Ord is pretty small - I couldn't find anything to do there. I'll have to go back later and explore more fully. I did fight some more Kargouti - nasty beasts. One nearly killed me, too. And I got "Yellow Tick Fever" or something as well. Luckily I was carrying a Cure Normal Disease scroll, which I used quickly!
I didn't explore Vivic too much, my wife (who is *much* further on in the game than me) suggested I go and level up some more before getting stuck into Vivic. Her 15th level Barbarian is doing Vivic quests at the moment, and that seems to be about the appropriate level for there. (She's fighting Black Brotherhood people.)
I have stumbled across several more named caves and ancestral tombs - what is the difference between a named cave and a tomb? Why are caves named? I think I'll explore one tonight, before heading back to Ebonheart.
@dragon wench
Luckily my wife is addicted to the game as well. I can tell her to "go play and stop bothering me!"
Cheers all, thanks for the input!
Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 6:39 pm
by Ares2382
Tombs have dead people. Caves have living people, usually smugglers. There are a few exceptions here and there but most of them follow this trend.
Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 6:46 pm
by jopperm2
SOmetimes rogue wizards and the things they summon or weird cultists will live in caves too.
Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 6:55 pm
by The Great Hairy
Hmmm, think I'll check out some of the Tombs and Caves around Belmora then. Might be some bad people needing to be taught the error of their ways! Although those undead also need to be laid to rest... Decisions decisions! This is one of the things I'm really enjoying about this game - the sheer scope of it! So much to do, so little time.

I'll post a new thread over the weekend and let you know how Zarustha is doing.
Cheers all,
Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 6:31 pm
by RebelousDarkElf
If my memory doesn't fail me,there is a quest for a naked Nord guy, if you find the witch, kill her and keep the axe.
Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 8:21 am
by jopperm2
VERY minor spoiler:
I wouldn't necessarily take the above advice, do what your character would do. THere are a few ways it can come out.