Beckett receives his own section, because he's a tricky vamp to work with. I've even provided excerpts from the conversation in order to guide you.
Scholarship increase (up to 3)
Requirements: Scholarship less than 3 and you need to get Beckett to say the third line of each of the following.
Beckett: Thin Bloods. . .they're a fascination of mine. They are considered a weaker, more human-like Kindred, hence the name Thin Blood - but they are sired same as any of us. I've heard a large concentration of them live in this city - they're one of the reasons I'm in Los Angeles.
You: Why don't you believe in Gehenna? (Malkavian: Why do you doubt the feast of the forefathers?)
Beckett: As I said, many cultures have the fear of some form of apocalypse. Kindred believed in these stories when they were human, and naturally carried them over into Kindred myth. But it doesn't take a supernatural act to cause widespread destruction.
Beckett: Thin Bloods. . .they're a fascination of mine. They are considered a weaker, more human-like Kindred, hence the name Thin Blood - but they are sired same as any of us. I've heard a large concentration of them live in this city - they're one of the reasons I'm in Los Angeles.
You: Can you tell me more about Thin Bloods? (Malkavian: There is more in your mind?)
Beckett: Thin Bloods rarely exhibit features or powers of their clan and many can't Embrace. Some are even rumored to have reproduced. Many Kindred are terrfied that their weak blood heralds the dissipation of every bloodline. Somewhat of an ignorant, reactionary response, don't you think?
Beckett: Thin Bloods. . .they're a fascination of mine. They are considered a weaker, more human-like Kindred, hence the name Thin Blood - but they are sired same as any of us. I've heard a large concentration of them live in this city - they're one of the reasons I'm in Los Angeles.
You: Are there any other signs of Gehenna? (Malkavian: How will I know when the sky is falling?)
Beckett: What prophecy doesn't have vague, apocryphal signs? Let's see, the usual ones cited are the appearance of Thin Bloods, Caine sightings, doom, gloom, that route.
Beckett: I really wish I had. All this speculation about the sarcophagus containing an Antediluvian and being a portent of Gehenna is making me cringe. These are the kinds of ridiculous, superstitious assumptions I came here to debunk.
You: Gehenna? (Malkavian: The g-word makes my thoughts frightened. What is it?)
Beckett: Armageddon, doomsday, the end of all Kindred. It's a common facet of most mythologies - fear that the world will end. Many believe Caine and the Antediluvians will return to consume or destroy all Kindred. . . I wholeheartedly disagree.
Beckett: Armageddon, doomsday, the end of all Kindred. It's a common facet of most mythologies - fear that the world will end. Many believe Caine and the Antediluvians will return to consume or destroy all Kindred. . . I wholeheartedly disagree.
You: Caine? (Malkavian: THE DARK FATHER?! WHERE?)
Beckett: Caine is the biblical first Kindred and founder of the mythological first city, Enoch - a place where Kindred and Kine coexisted. I believe Caine's a figure concocted to personify the transition from nomadic society to agrarian society. That myth, like most, has been twisted by time.
Then you should be able to reach this part, which will get you the scholarship point.
Beckett: Caine is the biblical first Kindred and founder of the mythological first city, Enoch - a place where Kindred and Kine coexisted. I believe Caine's a figure concocted to personify the transition from nomadic society to agrarian society. That myth, like most, has been twisted by time.
You: This is all fascinating stuff. . .how long have you been studying Kindred lore? (Malkavian: Your stories are a buffet for my mind. How long did it take to prepare the feast?)
Beckett: For 300 years I've been trying to determine the function of our existence, the Kindred's role in the world. I'm not content to attribute it to some act of supernatural, biblical vengeance. We exist for a reason, and if takes another 300, I'll figure it out. Any thoughts?
I believe you can only receive one of the following benefits, so choose wisely.
Beckett's Name mission (1 XP)
Requirements: Persuasion 8
Beckett: Hmm. . .I've said quite a lot about myself already. I know even less about you than you do me. Why don't you tell me about yourself?
You: I appreciate your interest in me. I'm fascinated by you. (Malkavian: They should have a channel devoted to you in my head.)
Beckett: Then I'll let you on to a little secret. . .Beckett may not be the name I was born with. Events always seem to unfold wherever I go, like Chicago a few years ago - oh, it's a bother to explain. Either I'm pursuing fate, or it's got a bone to pick with me.
Investigation increase (up to 3)
Requirement: Investigation less than 3
Beckett: Hmm. . .I've said quite a lot about myself already. I know even less about you than you do me. Why don't you tell me about yourself?
You: There isn't a place in the world I can't sneak into. (Malkavian: I am the master of unlocking!)
Beckett: You should try breaking into the tomb of an ancient once you've had your fill of West End townhomes. They're riddled with traps. Always remember to look and listen to your surroundings carefully.
You: I will. (Malkavian: Will do.)
Scholarship increase (no maximum)
Requirement: Scholarship less than 5, Research greater than 5
Beckett: Hmm. . .I've said quite a lot about myself already. I know even less about you than you do me. Why don't you tell me about yourself?
You: Like yourself, I consider myself somewhat of a scholar. (Malkavian: I devour knowledge like the great worm devours the corpse of society.)
Beckett: I consider myself a seeker of reluctant information. Scholar sounds like academia [sound of disgust]. How versed are you in the occult?
You: Not very. (Malkavian: Meh. . .)
Beckett: Then you wouldn't know that Dracula, the fictional vampire of movie fame, was very real. His real name was Vlad Tepes, and he was a Tzmisce, though he was not Sabbat. By some accounts, he still lives into these nights.
Gangrel Discipline increase
Gangrel can receive an increase for one of their disciplines, if when talking to Beckett you select the following options:
Beckett: Hmm. . .I've said quite a lot about myself already. I know even less about you than you do me. Why don't you tell me about yourself?
You: I'm Gangrel like you.
Beckett: Clans have little to do with personality, you're thinking of cults. Still struggling with the Protean Discipline?
Animalism increase
Requirements: Protean at least 3 and Animalism less than 3
You: No. I'm starting to get the hang of it. Animalism's a bit tricky though.
Beckett: The trick is to reach out to the Beast in other creatures through empathy, not verbal commands.
Fortitude increase
Requirements: Protean at least 3 and Fortitude less than 3
You: No. I'm starting to get the hang of it. Fortitude's a bit tricky though.
Beckett: You're dead. The blows that could once kill you won't. Don't be afraid to try and withstand a little more punishment.
Protean increase
Requirements: Protean less than 3
You: I'm still not very good at it.
Beckett: Your own body reflects your own understanding of the natural world. Beastly, maybe, a beast - that's up to you.
Beckett's Quest mission (1 XP)
Requirements: Gotten all the information out of Johansen at the Society of Leopold
Beckett: What did Johansen have to say?
You: He said there was a key for the sarcophagus but he doesn't know where it is. (Malkavian: The question is, how does the box open, the answer is, a key. What do I win?)
You: He said it's the tomb of Messerach, an Assyrian King. (Malkavian: Messerach, Assyrian overlord, is within. I think he might be. . . dead!)
You: He said the reliefs on the side were of a demoness named Lamastu. (Malkavian: Llama stu. . . the recipe is on the box.)
Beckett: It seems to corroborate my own evidence. I'm going to have to study it a little more, maybe dig up some information on Messerach and the Lamastu myth. I'm certain the key will show up in time - your information is appreciated.
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