Well, I played quite a lot over the weekend. Unfortunately, fable and dragon wench corrupted me, and I downloaded about thirty mods, all of which I installed. Mod central!
Here's an update of Zarustha's progress:
She's now level 10, with STR 85 PER 90 (!), Axe 71, Speech 55, Acrobatics 72 and most other skills between 20-35. (Except some of the weapon & armour skills, which I am ignoring.)
I joined House Hlaalu, but am yet to complete their first quest. Since I do not steal (thievery is against the law, says Zarustha, and I refuse!), I am trying to converse the recipies out of the Alchemist in Vivic. She's send me off on a quest, but I've not done it yet.
I checked out some of the Tombs and Caves, as you people suggested. Bad people. You are all bad.
I did clear Adanumuran and the Tharys Ancestral Tomb, but then wandered off to Vivic, where I spent most of my time, exploring the whole of that city (except for the Holy Fane). Wow, that place is big. I did a couple of smaller quests (got a ring for an orc in the Fighter's guild, helped the Alchemist find out where the leaflets were coming from - refused to help the other Alchemist who wanted me to put the Dwemer bone in the woman Alchemist's shop).
Several areas of Vivic I avoided - all the tombs, any shrines, the "Telvanni Monster Lab" (which sounds REALLY COOL!!). I'll check them out much later, I think.
Finally, after much hassling from my wife, I decided to return to Belmora and chase down this puzzle box Hasphat wanted. (Now that's a name I can remember!!
I think I've pretty much cleared Arkngthand, as I've killed all the human thieves, and laid to rest many Dwemer wights (and a bunch of their mechanical creatures as well). I found the Deep Ore Mine, from which there seems to be no exits, so I think I've covered it all. Now I have to turn this box over to Hasphat, and see what is next! (Although if anyone has a comprehensive map of this ruin, I will wash your car for you!
Damn, this game is a blast.
Cheers all,