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The Bore of Being Best
Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 8:16 am
by HiRo11er
Yes, Morrowind is an awesome game, and I've dedicated more hours to it of my life than I strictly should. However, I'm left with a feeling that after a character gets to be lvl 25-30, it hardly matters how you've developed him/her. Also, i feel that there are too many artifacts/items that are so much better than others that my character ends up wearing the same items no matter what way of life he/she lives.
Also, I have a tendency to end up with the same primary/secondary skills, no matter what. In my opinion there are only 12-13 skills worth considering, & then it goes without saying that characters often look the same.
(With danger of drawing fire here, I am going to say that long & short blade, heavy & light armor, acrobatics, athletics, alteration, restoration, illusion, mysticism, speechcraft, block, sneak, marksman & security are the -only- skills worth taking. Notice I did not include alchemy, because it is hands down the most ridiculously over-powerful skill in the whole game, nor did I mention destruction, because there's nothing there that mysticism can't do better...)
Also, I end up with certain items that in my mind are essential, no matter what. Anybody that has played with the BoBS can testify that being without them is simply not an option, especially in a world of as much foot-travel as morrowind. This little fact also means I can never play a Khajit or Argonian again...
On the same note, i have never used a spear, simply because there are no quality spears out there compared to the rest of the available weapons.
This is very much pure venting from my part, probably because I'm actually very close to having played through every part of the game! I don't want to face the fact that my days of morrowind are probably over... Sure, there's probably a ring or two out there that i haven't found yet, and I think there might be -one- guid I haven't reached grandmaster in, but not enough to inspire playing through 50+ hours of already covered ground... Any thoughts?
Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 8:29 am
by Wrath-Of-Egg
So are you saying that you are victim of POWERGAMING community?
Trust me SPEARS ARE JUST ****ING SWEET.. well if you have decent moving rate you can keep enemy at bay and hit that thing without giving that thing chance ro hit you.. and you can get good spears quite easily.
Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 8:45 am
by HiRo11er
I never considered myself a powergamer, but I guess you've got a point...
There are some things I feel have to be there. Besides, if I was a true powergamer I'd go alchemy every time! You actually don't need any other skills, as alchemy alone can bump every stat & skill up past the 7,8 million mark...
Oh, speaking of staples though... The most fun part about this game is creating a 2-second, 100 pts jump spell that will let you fly across all of Morrowind in a jiffy. The trek from odai plateau to balmora? 5 seconds after you jump from odai you plummet to the ground right smack in the middle of balmora... very neat... Of course, by the time you do this little trick you have a CE slowfall 1 pt item somewhere...
Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 9:13 am
by Locke Da'averan
all you need is acrobatics at 100 and you can take any fall...
and the requirement for "true" powergamer is not ruining the game by making potions that raise your skills/atrributes by 1million.. it's pretty much the same as cheating, although it's not..
powergaming means, you get the best stuff early on because you know where and how to get it and wear it, even if it wouldn't suit for your character. and kill ppl you know have good stuff even if they would be your "allies"...
i know this, because i can't be bothered to play the game anymore simply because i know how to raise a character to lvl 30+ in couple hours.. and where to get the BoBS and how to get money etc.. it's never the same as the first time through and i've started new characters, but i get bored before leaving seyda neen..
my best char has 341str at lvl67(IIRC) and with 8regen on health and 14 on stamina, i'm pretty much unkillable and the game is simply boring..
Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 3:00 pm
by Coot
There is an enormous amount of mods out there... and a surprisingly high amount of really good ones too. Some give you cheats or over-powered items, but there are also a lot that make the game more challenging. By re-balancing the game, adding new enemies or adding new factions, npc's, quests, towns, landmasses... All of this got me back into the game with a vengeance.
here, or
here or
here. Your MW-days need not be over at all.

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 8:28 pm
by FrAnKy
back to spears, i have found 2 spears that i would say r probly the best spears u can get, although one i got in the bloodmoon expansion, but still,
Kinda Spoiler-
When talking to a certain daedra shrine u get a certain quest to kill a certain animal with a rather weird weapon, but as a reward u get a spear which is
chop 1-15
slash 1-15
thrust 15-60
condition 2500/2500
weight 20.00
Value 130000
cast when used
reflect 20-30% for 30secs on self
summon storm atronarch for 30secs on self
charge 2160/2160
which makes it pretyy sweet. The one i recieved in the bloodmoon expansion is even better with:
chop 12-15
slash 12-15
thrust 40-60
condition 2000/2000
weight 25.00
value 25000
cast when strikes
paralyze for 10secs
burden 50pts for 10secs
poison 4pts fpr 5secs
charge 540/540
Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 1:22 am
by HiRo11er
That last spear seems kinda nice... If I ever get around to it, i want to play a character with spear & medium armor, if nothing else just so i can use the Ebony Mail. Where did you get it? On Solstheim??
According to Locke's description, i guess i -am- a powergamer, at least in morrowind. Who recognizes themselves in this scenario? You start a guy, rush north of Caldera & get boots of speed. Some petty theft later & you buy resistance potions & put boots on. Then it's SW of Khuul to pick up amulet of shadows. After that, it's straight to ghostgate & pick up full glass armor set, to balmora for sword of woe (nice in the beginning), & to vivec & raid vaults. By the time I can kill my first dremora i'm decked out in supergear, with 120,000 money in my pocket! Predictable, overpowerful, ultimately boring...
Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 10:41 am
by Coot
I guess I'm missing the point. If it's predictable and boring, why play that way?
Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 10:45 am
by fable
Because he's a powergamer who's finding that powergaming is dull. And he's pulled in two directions.
HiRoller, looks like you have to curb your powergaming to make the game fun--or don't do it, and buy yourself a nice pillow for your computer desk.

It's up to you.
As for my playing in MW, I've got all sorts of mods that make the game much harder in place. It never gets boring.
Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 11:12 pm
by FrAnKy
That last spear seems kinda nice... If I ever get around to it, i want to play a character with spear & medium armor, if nothing else just so i can use the Ebony Mail. Where did you get it? On Solstheim??
yeah u get it from solstheim, but u get it right at the end of the main quests
Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 1:22 am
by HiRo11er
To Coot & Fable & everyone else. If I had the chance, I'd be playing so many mods it'd be hard to see morrowind for only mods!

my problem is, I'm on the X, as we like to say... & I've already bought the game two times (a second time for the goty-version), so I don't know if i'll get around to buying it again. Hell, I'd be -making- mods if I had the chance!
I tried playing a very different character, a monk-guy that refused to kill anything except the few things that have to die in order to finish the main quest. Just using burdens, blinds, drain stats, chameleon & the likes. It was fun, but the guy is now halfway forgotten...
I guess it would be cool to go for a Khajit acrobat with marksman & unarmored... A sure-fire way to stop me from wearing the BoBS, as well as oreyn's helm, at least...

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 9:39 am
by soul hunter
srear of bitter mercy
[QUOTE=HiRo11er]Yes, Morrowind is an awesome game, and I've dedicated more hours to it of my life than I strictly should. However, I'm left with a feeling that after a character gets to be lvl 25-30, it hardly matters how you've developed him/her. Also, i feel that there are too many artifacts/items that are so much better than others that my character ends up wearing the same items no matter what way of life he/she lives.
Also, I have a tendency to end up with the same primary/secondary skills, no matter what. In my opinion there are only 12-13 skills worth considering, & then it goes without saying that characters often look the same.
(With danger of drawing fire here, I am going to say that long & short blade, heavy & light armor, acrobatics, athletics, alteration, restoration, illusion, mysticism, speechcraft, block, sneak, marksman & security are the -only- skills worth taking. Notice I did not include alchemy, because it is hands down the most ridiculously over-powerful skill in the whole game, nor did I mention destruction, because there's nothing there that mysticism can't do better...)
Also, I end up with certain items that in my mind are essential, no matter what. Anybody that has played with the BoBS can testify that being without them is simply not an option, especially in a world of as much foot-travel as morrowind. This little fact also means I can never play a Khajit or Argonian again...
On the same note, i have never used a spear, simply because there are no quality spears out there compared to the rest of the available weapons.
This is very much pure venting from my part, probably because I'm actually very close to having played through every part of the game! I don't want to face the fact that my days of morrowind are probably over... Sure, there's probably a ring or two out there that i haven't found yet, and I think there might be -one- guid I haven't reached grandmaster in, but not enough to inspire playing through 50+ hours of already covered ground... Any thoughts?[/QUOTE]
Have you considered getting the srear of Bitter Mercy?Its attack is 1-60.Probaly the best spear in the original version of morrowind.
Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 2:19 pm
by RebelousDarkElf
If you are tied or powergaming, try going for a Great Hairy's style and play as a certain type of character, and stick to how the person would act if you were him. Example: play as a thief and only join stealthy clubs. This is hard to adjust to as i did it, but when you get used to it, it is alot of fun!
Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 11:40 pm
by FrAnKy
[QUOTE=soul hunter]Have you considered getting the srear of Bitter Mercy?Its attack is 1-60.Probaly the best spear in the original version of morrowind.[/QUOTE]
the spear of bitter mercy is actually 15-60 thrust, which diffently makes it the best spear in the original game, but if u play the expansions then 'Spear of the Hunter' is the best with 40-60 thrust, as i have stated in a
previous replie
Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 2:16 am
by Wrath-Of-Egg
SPear of bitter mercy can optained when you start the game... if you like to powergaming... but still getting that spear is quite ''original'' and it looks lot better... but that is opinion question.. still when you finally get that spear of hunter... it realy doesn't amtter wich one you use... samething with armor..