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Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 6:07 pm
i got a question u know how after the whole starmap thing on kashyyk how the guy says u dropped ur datapad i diddn't take it what did it say and how do u get big z back i just got the starmap and never went back im on starforge now
Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 8:15 pm
by Obi-Wan-Evan
I don't think you can get him back if you just right away left. But I find hes pretty useless and never use him
I compleately forget what the datapad says but I think it triggers this Twilik to tell you that he knows your Darth Revan and that on Korriban he and his partner can sell you some good equipment. I'm not sure though I may be confusing it with something compleatly different :l
Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 12:51 am
by sun_facer
That datapad gives you a set of side quests to do some dirty work for Hulas who is on Manaan. Frankly, if you are light - side, I recommend that you dun do those quests.
Once you are on the Unknown planet, you cannot return to the other planets anymore. So no more flying around for you. Once you enter the main area in the Starforge, you can't even return to the Ebon Hawk.
Next time, find Freyyr before you return to the treetops. Big Z is not much. But if you like free grenades, you want him ard in your party.
Afterall, I find leaving my party members behind a little weird. If you want them to suffer, might as well kill them. Whatever, just dun leave them behind.
Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 4:44 am
by Macleod1701
Why don't you try reading the walkthrough for Kotor on GB and instead of just storming through the game to get to the end, take your time and finish off all the quests you can or want to on each planet BEFORE you leave