Well, a lot has happened with Zar since I last posted. She's got a few more scars, has seen more of Vvardenfell, has made new friends and some more enemies.
After delivering this noble lady to the Ghostgate shrine (and killing an Ash Zombie on the way) Zar was thinking to herself "well, that wasn't so bad!" although she is not one to allow overconfidence to take root. Remembering the Teachings of Vivic (beware pride for one), she headed off back to Balmora, to sell loot and think about completing some of the Mage and Figher's Guild quests from there. She stopped off in Caldera briefly, and helped a High Elven lady by returning her stolen family heirlooms (freeing some slaves on the way).
Once back in Balmora, she checked up on old friends (Casuis, Nalcarya, Meldor and others) and sold off some stuff. Then she decided to head south, and search out some of the surrounding hillsides (just to see what was there. And to gather some herbs and flowers).
Wandering through the mountains, she came across two cave systems, Yasamsi and Zainsipilu. Curious, she decided to explore both. Finding them populated by slavers, she freed the slaves and put the slavers to the axe-blade. After several Mark/Recall trips back to Balmora to sell off tons of loot, she wandered into Hla Oad, to have a better look at the place.
In Hla Oad, she had a very unfortunate encounter - in the caves under FatLeg's Dropoff she met a man who wanted her to take a slave to a guy in Balmora. Zar quickly agreed, planning to free the slave as soon as they were out of sight. When she chatted to the slave, and learnt that the slave had been forced to swallow a large amount of Moon Sugar, and was being used as an unwilling courier, Zar got very, very angry.
The slave was taken to the Argonian mission in Ebonheart, there to be sent home. Zar then paid a visit to Vorar Helas in Balmora - the original contact. After some very harsh words were exchanged, Vorar met his demise. Zar then retuned to Hla Oad, for some words with the dealer - he also, along with several Cammora Tong friends, met a messy end courtesy of Zar's axe.
Disgusted with the Cammora Tong, Zarustha returned to Balmora, and spent some time brooding. Eventually shaking off her black mood, she decided to go and explore the eastern side of Vvardenfell, since she hadn't been there as yet. So, she walked to Suran, with several minor encounters along the way, and then caught a silt strider to Molag Mar, where she is now. Soon she'll head out east, once she's full explored Molar Mar.
Currently Zarustha is 19th level, with STR and PER both 100. INT 77, END 75. Still needs to get SPE and AGL up! Axe is 98, Speech 71, Heavy Armour 65, Acrobatics 91. Got Enchant to 26 (yay!) and Marksman to 27.
I'm still enjoying this game immensely.
Cheers all,