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help! girl in distress

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 2:12 pm
by ammama
ideas for a new party?
so I get stuck at the docks every time in the quest where you have to help the little girl in distress. How do you guys normally get round this bit? And if not, maybe my party just sucks and I need to start over, does anyone have any suggestions?

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 3:01 pm
by KaaH
copied from my post at: My New Party and advice nedded

The Dragonic, her Adjutant and the cohort

(ease-of-use) alignment restriction removed, impr. druid shape (half-dragon), additional druid spells, 2hd. Holy Avenger, better bastard swords

1. The Dragonic
Human(male is ok, female is better (see dragon shapes when you get them)):
Paladin quest:+2 Str, +2 Wis; Dreadmaster quest:+4 Wis; holy transference
Dex -2 -> Wis +4;
Feats: Long Swords, Bastard Swords (offhand), (gr.)cleave, (ambidex, twf)
Creation: Str. 13+, Dex 15(will be decreased by 1(2 if you go HoF after normal), so take amidex before this happens), Wis 17+, Cha 12+ (positiv bonus = better saves)
(with impr. bastard swords this character should use Know Thy Family as offhand weapon, this gives permanent executioner eyes, his/her main hand weapon in shifted form (half-dragon) is a long sword prof-wise (so take impr. crit long sword) and a 2hd sword damage-wise (2d6+4)
This character can take out HoF critters with one (crit.)hit!

2. The Adjutant
Drow (female)
Fighter2-4/Monk0-3/Cleric23-28 (Deity as you see fit) (Monk for belt that gives +1 attack (I think it's n o t restricted to unarmed))
Axe (Massive Great Axe of Fire)
Creation: go high to max Str/Con/Wis
Main Healer + good Tank
natural magic resistance

The Cohort (males-> this is drow style)
3. Tank/Buff
Drow (male)
Rogue3/Fighter2(4)/Wizard25(23) (maybe specialist)
dual wield (should use than special sword that gives haste)
Creation: Max/high Dex, Int; medium: Con,Str
As the title says Buff/Tank
natural magic resistance

4. Spell Slinger/Emergency Tank
Aasimar (male)
Feats: GreatSword, Enchanter/Necromant(well, he is more of an anti-paladin)
HoF Holy Avenger gives +10 attack rating; Chain of drakas for +1 attack and good protection
Creation: High/max: Dex, Cha; medium+: Str, Con, (Wis)
Paladin 2 = immune fear

5. Tank/backup Thief
Half-Orc (male)
Feats: Ambidex, twf, bastard swords, impr. crit. bastard sword, dirty fighting...
Main Hand: Bastard sword that is keen and gives 4d10+3 (sure strike= +5 to what it can hit) and offhand bloody wraith (Str. & Con +8, need chaotic alignment if I remember correctly)
Creation: Max/high: Str, Con, (Dex); medium+: Wis, (Int)
With said weapon this is your Hitpoint Powerhouse (and can't be flanked)

6. Not needed
Take as you see fit (if you must have a bard or other weird concepts, sigh :p )

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 10:13 pm
by Raumoheru
i REALLY advise against that bullcrap rogue 3/fighter 4/barbarian 23. it is just plain stupid in my opinion to have so many multiclasses. i think the most fun are to play with a max of 2 classes. i mean how often will you find a char that has levels in all classes?

nice party IMHO:
a mage/rogue
a cleric/fighter
a pure monk
a "Tank" pure fighter

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 2:00 am
by silverdragon72


agree with the 1st - a pure melee PC like the Barb MC is quite crappy in HOF...

...but don't agree with the 2nd one - MC-builds with 3 to 5 classes are in almost every case better then with less classes...

...but these MC-builds should make some sense - so I don't second barb paladin builds!


Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 2:08 pm
by ammama
Thank u!

cheers for all the advice!!! any more?

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 3:00 pm
by KaaH
A pleasure :) .

Ahhh names... names?? Well, ahhh .... see, mostly I play solos (gamewise), so my alter ego tend to have my name (kaah is part of my real name and you may know the snake in 'The Jungle Book' -> Kaa (rolls her eyes to hypnotize, which does not function, this is what makes her cute instead of evil)).

Sexy guy... beautiful nature lady?.. for roleplaying :o
Oh you mean play concept.
- Sorry couldn't resist

I do not only play solo, I do it powerstyle (must be some guy thingie, you know -pushing things to the limit and the likes), but if you need a roleplaying excuse for a Char you have come to the right place. Maybe if you are a bit more precise on what you need (e.g.:Backround/Bio, Setup), I try to come up with something (hey, I see it in your eyes, do not get funny ideas on that one).

Heureka! A name comes to mind. If you have a female character in party, whom you fancy to be a bit clumsy and naive call her Mekas (I give you the story on a pm if you request so).

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 2:33 pm
by KaaH
@ammama: I sent pm to you; eom

@ammama: I sent pm to you; eom

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 3:41 pm
by KaaH
(p)rivate (m)essage
(I figured it out after someone complained, that I didn't answered)

-click- 'link' top right of site where you are greeted (welcome, ammama)

I will not be available during the weekend (but will look up the board asap)