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Can't enter Windspear Hills dungeon

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 6:12 pm
by Qwinn
This is... very strange.

I've already cleared everything out of the Windspear Hills dungeon - I now want to get back in in order to finish the paladin stronghold quest. But here's a show stopper of a problem - I can't get back in the dungeon. The cursor simply doesn't change anywhere where it's supposed to into the little arrow pointing into a door.

What's doubly scary is that I loaded up a saved game from just before I first walked into the dungeon... and the same thing happens. Even though in reality I saved that game right before walking into the dungeon, the access to that dungeon is now simply no longer there.

I then tried loading a game from before I ever entered the Windspear surface map in the first place, went through the ogre fight/abduction sequence, went to the dungeon to see if I could get in... and yup, sigh, it's perfectly fine, the cursor changes as it should.

Went back to my current game, to see if somehow having reloaded the area fresh would fix my current game, but no. No way to get in.

Anyone seen this problem before? And if not, or if the answer is just that my save game is corrupt or something, then is there some sort of CLUA command I can use to get past this problem and into the dungeon? I'd rather not have to go all the way back to before I cleared Windspear the first time.


Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 6:58 pm
by Qwinn
Well, never mind on the CLUA command... looked up the IESDP (God I love that thing) and figured it out for myself: CLUAConsole:MoveToArea("AR1201"). Finished the paladin stronghold quest, everything's good, yay.

Still, what an annoying bug - am I the only one who's run into it? Cause I didn't find this particular bug when I searched - all the other "windspear" threads seem to be about getting to the surface map in the first place, not from the surface map into the dungeon.


Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 2:43 am
by Sytze
Glad we could help. :D

In all seriousness: no, I haven't experienced this problem yet, or ever.
*knocks on wood*
Perhaps some mod messes up your game and especially the Windspear Hills.