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Spell Combo's

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 8:35 am
by M0NSTA-
OK I've recently started a solo sorceror, who is so much easier to play than a party (no more picking up loot :D because nothing is really needed) anyway I just thought of a very deadly spell combo, consisting of 7 Sunfires going off simultaneously, via Chain Contingency, Contingency, and Spell Trigger. This is rather deadly to anything so i was wondering if anyone else had any good spell combo's I could use?

I've looked through a lot of threads on spells but I didn't see any suggestions like this, unless you count web + spider spawn, but thats so easy to figure out becuase enemy mages cast it on you.

One other question, is there a mod that adds scrpit to mages so that they cast like a human mage would, not cheese like 4 Project Images summoning an army, but timestop then Improved Alacrity and then dumping their spell books on you, or even some lvl 10 spells, Imprisonment, Spellstrike and Timestop seem to be the only lvl 9 spells I see and it just doesnt seem fair to them...

ps I've done everything in ToB up to killing balthazar, currently killing the massive ravager, so I don't know what sort of spells are used past this...

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 8:53 am
by lompo
There are a lot of deadly spell combos: apart from the obvious C.C with 3 ADhW + ADhW (4 in a round and they have bigger AoE and are party friendly), other nice damaging combo are C.C. with triple DBF or skull trap, followed by triggers with other 3; specially the latter is deadly because the dmg isn't capped (a lev. 25 sorc. could fire 25d6*6 of magical dmg=900 (!!!) with save for 1/2).
the good thing of these compeared to sunfire is that you don't have to stand in the middle of your enemies, but you can fire'em from afar.

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 9:48 am
by Sytze
[QUOTE=M0NSTA-] anyway I just thought of a very deadly spell combo, consisting of 7 Sunfires going off simultaneously, via Chain Contingency, Contingency, and Spell Trigger. This is rather deadly to anything so i was wondering if anyone else had any good spell combo's I could use? [/QUOTE]
You do realise that is near impossible, right? Contingencies need certain conditions before firing (hp at 50%, for example), whereas you can use a spell trigger at any time you want.
As for suggestions, check this thread. ;)

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 10:28 am
by Skuld
Fankly I don't waste valuable spell slots on triggers and contingencies when playing a Sorceror, especially a solo one. But to each his/her own.

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 10:42 am
by Deadalready
With my solo games I've found the only viable lot of the sequencers is 3 Sunfires for nuking out anything that could be annoying especially magic resistant (but not fire) monsters (like Drow).

Minor Sequencer and Contingencies was/is a total waste in my opinion especially when you have the Amulet of power and robe of Venca to take care of the need for lower level spells.

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 6:41 pm
by M0NSTA-
Originally Posted by M0NSTA-
anyway I just thought of a very deadly spell combo, consisting of 7 Sunfires going off simultaneously, via Chain Contingency, Contingency, and Spell Trigger. This is rather deadly to anything so i was wondering if anyone else had any good spell combo's I could use?

You do realise that is near impossible, right? Contingencies need certain conditions before firing (hp at 50%, for example), whereas you can use a spell trigger at any time you want.
That is not impossible, because sunfire literally casts a fireball at your feet, the fireball 'hits' you, so using a Contingency of 1 Sunfire cast on self when hit, and a Chain Contingency of 3 Sunfires cast on self when hit, you can cast a Spell Trigger of 3 Sunfires on self and you have an instant nuke of 7 Sunfires :)

I realised it when I had a contingency set up to cast when I was hit, and when I cast normal Sunfire it activated it even though I was using mislead cheese invisibility :p

That skull trap combo with C.C is sort of like my Sunfire combo but you would want Immunity to Necromancy before casting

ps I'm a solo sorceror so Sunfire is quite friendly to me :D

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 8:37 pm
by Snoon
Sunfire doesn't damage the caster, so does the contingency still fire? I believe that the spell hits the caster, but that the caster is granted 100% fire immunity for that round, so that it won't hurt him. UserUnfriendly posted something about setting the chain contingency to fire when you are "helpless", then cast project image. The game then considers the caster to be helpless (can't move, only the image can), and fires the chain contingency.

As for improving enemy mages, might have something. I haven't played ToB, but from my experience in SoA, I hate it when enemy mages/liches use Timestop. Not so much because of the danger that it presents me, but rather, because it's incredibly boring to wait for them to wander around sloooooowly casting spells. I've begin to refer to the spell as "Boringstop". I usually leave the room while they are doing this, as it's dreadfully boring to wait for them to do their thing.

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 1:42 am
by Sytze
[QUOTE=Snoon]Sunfire doesn't damage the caster, so does the contingency still fire? I believe that the spell hits the caster, but that the caster is granted 100% fire immunity for that round, so that it won't hurt him. UserUnfriendly posted something about setting the chain contingency to fire when you are "helpless", then cast project image. The game then considers the caster to be helpless (can't move, only the image can), and fires the chain contingency.[/QUOTE]
That's what I thought. Of course we could be wrong, but I don't have a SoA game installed right now to prove you right or wrong. I'll start a new game soon and I'll check it out. :)

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 3:09 am
by M0NSTA-
Sunfire doesn't damage the caster, so does the contingency still fire? I believe that the spell hits the caster, but that the caster is granted 100% fire immunity for that round, so that it won't hurt him. UserUnfriendly posted something about setting the chain contingency to fire when you are "helpless", then cast project image. The game then considers the caster to be helpless (can't move, only the image can), and fires the chain contingency.

A 'hit' doesn't always do damage though, like an enemey can hit you but your stoneskin/mirror image will negate the damage, but just because he rolled high enough to hit counts as a 'hit' when talking about C.C
At least I think thats how it works, and even when you cast Sunfire you can hear your character get hit, even though it does nothing. But either way it works for me and I can roast anything that is annoying me :D

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 3:19 am
by lompo
[QUOTE=M0NSTA-]That skull trap combo with C.C is sort of like my Sunfire combo but you would want Immunity to Necromancy before casting

ps I'm a solo sorceror so Sunfire is quite friendly to me :D [/QUOTE]

The drawback of sunfire is that you have to be in the middle of the enemies, which can be risky (some fire resistant critter?), while using Dbf and S.T. you can just cast them remaining safe away (so don't need to be protected).
But I'm not denying that sunfire is a nice spell and can be very dangerous if casted in triggers.

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 9:44 am
by Deadalready
The drawback of sunfire is that you have to be in the middle of the enemies, which can be risky (some fire resistant critter?), while using Dbf and S.T. you can just cast them remaining safe away (so don't need to be protected).
But I'm not denying that sunfire is a nice spell and can be very dangerous if casted in triggers.

Erm I presume you've never soloed. Where exactly *ELSE* can the monsters be? Sunfire is a b-e-a-u-t-f-u-l spell for a solo character since all melee characters *will* beeline directly for you and while they're nipping away at your heels sunfire blows up in their face and blasts through almost every standard protection spell that mages can bring up.

Sunfire is also great alternative to breach and avoiding the use of multiple spell crackers. Most notably blowing up groups of well protected Cowled Wizards is fun (like Tolgaris).

Fire resistant monsters aren't too common and that's why you save your skull traps for them, the unfortunate thing about skull traps is that they're very unforgiving (in my games minor globe of invulnerability didn't work o_O ) still usefull for cheesy fightings though... But is rather unfilling.

Also another tactic is not to wait for the monsters to come to you, but go to the monsters. Using the staff of the Magi for the Vampire Guild Part 2 it's easy to waltz into a large group of monsters and let off a prepared sequencer to nuke out a large area.

One Tactic I rather liked was using level 15 Skeleton Knights as tanks while I used sunfire in the background, for me it seemed that the Sunfire effect wouldn't turn them against me, a big plus plus.


On the thing about contingencies I always thought it was when you took damage not when you get hit... since I always remember triggering off other mages contingencies when I damage them not when I etch away their stone skins.

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 2:11 am
by lompo
Erm I presume you've never soloed. Where exactly *ELSE* can the monsters be? Sunfire is a b-e-a-u-t-f-u-l spell for a solo character since all melee characters *will* beeline directly for you and while they're nipping away at your heels sunfire blows up in their face and blasts through almost every standard protection spell that mages can bring up.

Nobody, is reducing the usefulness of sunfire (it has also the plus to bypass magic resistance), and it's not a fact of soloing or not.
When you solo you don't actually need to stay in the middle of your enemies, actually being a mage you shouldn't stay there. My best tactics when soloing is scouting (being invisible), and then summoning and/or nuking.
If enemy escape your summons/nuking and beeline to you get t invisible and try to retreat/escape to a safe place where you can repeat the procedure (usually you don't need more than one or two times).
But yes, sometimes you get swarmed and in that case sunfire can be a lifesaver. It is also invaluable against the drows.
As for the casting of ST and DBF you want hurt yourself (even if you cast on yourself) if you are protected with MI (and anyway for me minor globe does work, tested with the acid kensai).