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Shadowkeeper help

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 10:46 am
by moltovir
I want to change Imoen to a multiclass Assassin/Cleric, but have absolutely no idea how to do it. Can anybody here give a stepbystep guide (or give a link to one) of how I should do this? Thanks in advance :)

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 4:20 pm
by glenfar
Well, the basic concept is just change her class and kit, then set her level to zero (removing all spells/abilities/etc). Then load up the game again, and level her up. That way the game takes care of giving her all the abilities she's supposed to have, and you don't have to worry about it.

However, AFAIK you can't make Imoen a multi-class. The problem is she's already a dual-class, and there's no way to remove that with SK. You could make her a dual-class Assassin->Cleric, but that's as close as you'll get.

I think it might work if you made her a multi-class that didn't involve Thief (like Fighter/Cleric for example), but a multi-class Thief/whatever is out.

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 5:20 pm
by VonDondu
Actually, you can make a human multi-class character with Shadowkeeper. I've done it by accident, but I can't remember how I did it. I once mentioned it on here, so you might be able to find that message if you do a search.

Of course, the easy way to make Imoen a multi-class character is to change her race. I don't think the game ever checks her race, so I don't think there would be any negative side-effects.

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 5:25 pm
by glenfar
Yes, I've created human multi-class (and non-human dual-class) characters before, just by manipulating the race.

The problem isn't that Imoen is human - it's that she's a dual-class. While you can change her race, you can't get rid of that dual-class.

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 6:56 pm
by JackOfClubs
Sorry for resurrecting this old thread, but I have been having precisely this problem with multi-classing Imoen and was wondering if anyone has any further info on how to go about it.

When I try normal method (which glenfar outlines above) I run into the problem where all the experience gets assigned to her Mage class and she is considered Dual-Classed, even when I change her race to Half-Elf. However, upon experimentation, I discovered that she can be changed to a FMT with no problems. This seems inconsistent to me. The same sanity check that forces multi-class in the latter case, should also work for a non-human race, I would think.

Is it possible that the .CRE file needs to be altered? I have messed around with that in the past, but I am not sure how much trouble I want to go to for this particular run-through.

I usually just change her to a pure-thief or Bounty Hunter, which is a lot less trouble. My main interest is in getting Imoen to learn all the mage spell that I have been collecting but still be able to get some thief HLAs. I am playing a slim party of two sorcerors (PC and Tashia) and Imoen, and intend to get Sarevok eventually for a total of 4.

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 7:48 pm
by dj_venom
I remember in another thread about the same problem, it was possible to change. How it works is that there is a flag ticked about whether that person is dual-classed. However, Shadowkeeper does not pick that flag up.

What you need to do is find another character editing program, and then you should be able to uncheck that flag. Good luck.

P.S. About the FMT, I believe that works because it is three classes, and you can't have a three class dual class, so that overrides it.

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 9:23 pm
by VonDondu
[QUOTE=JackOfClubs]Sorry for resurrecting this old thread, but I have been having precisely this problem with multi-classing Imoen and was wondering if anyone has any further info on how to go about it.[/QUOTE]
Don't be afraid to do some experimenting yourself. I discovered the following technique by accident. :)

Here's how I made Imoen a multi-class Cleric/Mage. First, start the game and save it. (You don't need to exit the game to edit a saved game.) Then open the saved game with Shadowkeeper. Change Imoen to Level 0 Cleric/Mage. Set her level to 0 in every box on the first tab (you'll probably want to raise her Wisdom if you're making her a Cleric), and on the second tab, make her a Cleric/Mage. Go through the rest of the tabs and remove her Innate Abilities, her proficiency points, and her thieving skills. Save the game and load it. In the game, have Imoen level up to 1st level. Save the game and open it with Shadowkeeper. Change Imoen's hit points to 7 on the first tab and give her 89,000 experience points. You can change her avatar to a Cleric or a Mage or whatever you prefer. Save your changes and then load the game. Have Imoen level up. She should be a Cleric/Mage with all the right stats, THAC0, hit points, proficiencies, spells, etc.

This technique worked like a charm with a Cleric/Mage and Fighter/Mage. But when I tried to make Imoen any sort of multi-classed Thief, she always turned out to be a dual-classed character. This must be due to the fact the she was a dual-classed Thief when she was created. It doesn't prevent her from being a non-Thief multi-classed character, but I don't see a way to get around the limitation on Thieves.

You can also take a non-human multi-class character and change his or her race and have a human multi-class character, and you can make a single-class human (that hasn't been dual-classed) and turn him or her into a multi-class character (even a multi-class Thief). But dual-classed humans appear to have some sort of flag that I don't see with Shadowkeeper. Sorry.

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 4:04 am
by JackOfClubs
Venom: your suggestion of using another character editor did the trick. The proper tool for the job turned out to be Near Infinity.

Actually we were all three right. Near Infinity cannot edit the flag in the saved game so I had to edit the CRE file (IMOEN213 in case anyone else wants to try it) and then revert to a saved game prior to picking her up in spellhold. There is a flag in the CRE file called "Flags" which indicates the first class in a dual class character. Unchecking this flag then changing her race from Human to Half-Elf did the trick. (The latter step was probalby not necessary, but I prefer to bend the rules as little as possible.) I didn't think it would be a good idea to reset her levels and skills at the CRE file level, so I made a new save and edited her stats in Shadow Keeper according to the method Von Dondu indicates.

Incidentally, that same variable is where the Fallen Paladin and Fallen Ranger info is stored. It also has a value of Export Allowed, which might allow people to export NPCs and play them as PCs. I seem to remember someone asking about that a long time ago.

Anyway, thanks for the responses everyone. I hope this helps someone else who encounters this odd problem.

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 4:41 am
by VonDondu
Acting on a hunch, I just did an experiment. I opened the IMOEN213.CRE file with Near Infinity and unchecked the "FLAGS" box (the one that indicates that Imoen was dual-classed from a Thief). I expected that to make her a multi-class character rather than a dual-class character without any further editing. When I started the game, I created IMOEN213 with the CLUAConsole and let her join my party. My hypothesis was correct--with the flag removed, she was a multi-class character.

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 6:53 am
by dj_venom
Just glad to help :)