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Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 10:18 pm
by ghengky
Can I put a spell on my arrow / bolt (enchant)?
need help!!!
Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 10:43 pm
by Magrus
Yes, but I wouldn't say it's worth it, you need to do each arrow individually. Which means, twenty enchanted arrows requires 20 attempts, 20 souls, and 20 batches of gold to do so, or chancing failure doing so on your own.
Your better off enchanting a bow or something with the "cast when used" funtion and using charges out of that for ammo for a "magic arrow" replacement. It's what I do. I use my bow to fire normal arrows, and then switch to use the charges as necessary.
Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 11:46 pm
by fable
If you're on the PC, there are mods that add bunches of enchanted arrows, and enchanted bows to at least one store.
Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 4:28 am
by Lonelypilgrim
However it would be very nice if u get a daedra (all who got daedra hearts) into a soul gem and enchanted an arrow and shoot that..lose 30000 in one shot.
Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 8:01 am
by fable
And why would that be good?
Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 9:13 am
by Wrath-Of-Egg
Well.. perhaps he or is he she? I realy should find out these things..
Well perhaps that person is just trying to be sarcastic or trying to use irony.
I curse thee english i curse thee... ((it depends on culture..) not that i curse english thing but that one before)
Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 2:57 am
by Lonelypilgrim
I am not saying that it would be good..just funny how u waste so much money just to shoot one arrow.