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divine trainer

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 7:52 am
by joe030303
please help
i have played the first divine divinity all the way to the end (almost) but no matter what i do Josephine kicks my ass right near the end so i decided to install a trainer (in my run folder) it will start the game but i still cannot activate the cheat.
other then that the game still plays just fine.
can someone give me a link to the best trainer and step by step instructions on activating it so i can finally finish this incredible game.

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 8:04 am
by fable
I've never used the trainer. To kill Josephine, your best bet is to use as much as possible to distract and wear her down. I found calling up bunches of scorpion traps (at the highest level) works, while hitting her with bespelled weapons. She has excellent resistance, but I think holy will sometimes get through.