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Ranger/cleric dualling bug

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn.
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Ranger/cleric dualling bug

Post by cloudstone »

Has anyone noticed a bug to do with stealth when dualling a ranger? I have a ranger
which I imported from BG. I made him into a Stalker. His stealth is 104. I tried to
dual-class right away. Then I noticed, even though I clicked cancel to not dual class
yet, my stealth went down to 42. Now I did this when first starting the game so I
am still in the prison. So is this because ranger stealth is only best when outdoors,
and the game is just checking the area I am in to recalculate my stealth, or is it just a

Edited: Just thought I would edit this to say that I determined that this only happened when I chose the Stalker kit. If I am a regular ranger, my stealth never changed when I dualled and clicked cancel.

[This message has been edited by cloudstone (edited 11-20-2000).]
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