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Ever tried roleplaying yourself?

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 8:17 pm
by blake
well... I've been playing MW for a year now and I am constantly looking for something new to do... I came up with this idea and i wonder if anyone else has had the same idea.

P.S. I understand the title is kind of an oxymoron, but not really...

Well for my race i chose breton because out of all the races in the game i am most like a breton, intelligent, not too strong, not too fast, about average in everything accept intelligence.

For my class I chose a custom class specializing in stealth, the class name? "Me" of course ;) I chose stealth because on the rare occasion i do get in a quarrel with someone that escalates into violence i take the quick tactical approach rather thatn fighting "fair"

The two major skills i chose were Personality and Willpower because I am very stubborn and not easily influenced by others and I am most comfortable with my personality and my ability to get along with most people

For my skills i chose
Speechcraft-I am very comfortable speaking to large groups of people, I'm not that talkative of a person but when I need to I can be as charming and sweet as required.

Mercantile-On the weekends I enjoy going to flea markets with my girlfriend and bargaining for items that really have no value other than display and conversation pieces.

Alchemy-I love to cook, what can I say?

Armorer-I love to build things and this is the closest skill i can relate that too in morrowind :)

Marksman-If I have to fight, then I want to be able to snipe my enemies from afar. Plus I live in Texas, who doesn't love to shoot guns in Texas?

Security-I can pick most locks pretty easily, so naturally one would pick this skill right?
Light Armor-Well, I dont wear armor in the real world... But if I did, I dont think that i would be coordinated or fast enough to dodge most attacks unarmored, but i wouldnt want the Slow down of Heavy or Medium armor so i chose light.

Sneak-Like i said, i try to avoid fights, or if i have to fight dirty...

Blunt Weapon-Who doesn't like hitting things with a big stick occasionally?

Hand to Hand-I'm an alright fighter with hand to hand, and I know a little Tai Kwan Do before I quit taking the class, so i chose this skill.

Enchant-I like shiny things

Illusion-Out of all the magic skills, I chose illusion because the spells seem most appealing, Paralyze and Blind? YES!
And for my sign I chose the Lady, it gives a bonus to Personality and Endurance... Both of which i think i would be above average in.

Me speed is really low, like in real life, and so is my strength... lol

Anyway, feel free to post yourself, in Morrowind context of course :)

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 12:02 am
by oozae
Blake, there is already a thread about character information here Character Information Thread just so you know.

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 12:07 am
by Wrath-Of-Egg
Yes i agree.. with oozee.. why that sounds like booze?
Or is it just me?

Anyway.. but i could come up with some excuse for this thread.. I can hear it...

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 2:42 am
by dragon wench
IMO Blake's topic is quite different from the other character thread. That one is simply asking people for a recitation of their character's stats, abilities and so on, this thread is asking members if they roleplay themselves.

More on topic, most of the characters I create ressemble me in real life. I have a preference for Wood Elves, Bretons and Dunmer, and I tend to specialise in stealth and magic. I'm actually very good at subtlety when I choose to be and I'm no slouch with the head stuff either. Plus, I'm relatively small.
I've actually tried playing High Elves and Nords, the height just didn't feel right, lmao! :D

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 8:28 am
by Wrath-Of-Egg
Perhaps i should read blakes post? What do you think?

But i will just belive.. you DW..

But as for my roleplaying... i dont want to type it again... i haven't typed that thing in GameBanshee.. but still..

I will just give short sample.. without every detail... (it would contain portraits.. backround storys... and such information)

I have posted that thing before on IWD2 forum.

First Character...

DROW, Bard/Paladin (finally something good out of Weidus mods)
This character is Chaotic Good... Some sort lonewolf.. and little bit insane.. Using Kivan sound set from BG1.. but i am considering to change ti to XZAR sound set

HALF ORC, Pain bearer of Ilmater(/fighter levels later perhaps)
He is Neutral good... The good guy in this party.. And he is more than willing to use his flail against anyone who reminds his origin. BTW he has Kresslack soundset.. you do remember him in IWD1 dont you?

AASIMAR, Sorcerer..
She is Lawfull neutral and lets say this short she aint sure on wich race she belongs to.. Becuse in her veins is blood of almost every ''smart'' creature wich walk on Faerum.. She has little crush to that Half orc.. but now she has starting to think that he is gay.. her arms are burned.. (so they look quite uggly.. ) She is the one who makes my party to go and see what is behind that hill... even if it leads to sure death.. i use Imoen sound set with this char..


This mad pegleg monk is realy pain in ass.. each time we get to tavern he will get drunk.. and did i say that he is ugly as hell.. he wields one big axe.. and when he isnt doing that he is using his fists to get trough taht mountain/wall of ice.. he also has some dad issues.. in this world his own belly is more important than anything else.. and it should be becuse there is one bid Diamond in it.. he is Chaotic Neutral. I use Tiax sound set with this char... and his name is TIAX BTW..


DROW is called Dred's, HALF ORC is called B'Gru and that Sorcerer is called IMOEN... but she is not imoen from BG... it will take 20-40 years before that IMOEN will born..


Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 4:57 pm
by blake
Uhm? Maybe you should read the post? I asked if you had ever tried to Roleplay as YOURSELF. Relating youself to morrowinds races,skills, etc...

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 6:05 pm
by furmy
[QUOTE=blake]Well for my race i chose breton because out of all the races in the game i am most like a breton, intelligent, not too strong, not too fast, about average in everything accept intelligence.[/QUOTE]

lol - hey mr. intellingence... i think u spelled accept wrong. it's except not accept :D

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 6:11 pm
by The Great Hairy
[QUOTE=furmy]lol - hey mr. intellingence... i think u spelled accept wrong. it's except not accept :D [/QUOTE]

"i" should be "I"
"u" is incorrect, it should be "you"
"mr." is spelt with a capital "M"
"intellingence" is spelt "intelligence"

And he spelt the word fine. It's his grammar which was incorrect.

Pot - meet kettle. On an online forum I don't think there is any need for such a post, furmy. And this post of mine is likewise not required (I was just feeling a little grumpy). :)


Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 7:58 pm
by blake
Haha, I knew it would come off sounding arrogant... Uh well, hard to deliver emotions in a forum enviroment.

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 8:03 pm
by oozae
It's how people view it.

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 8:27 pm
by fable
Let's get back on topic, please.