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Carth Romance?! *might have spoiler*
Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 3:57 am
by Windstrider
I played through the game using a male, and successfully romanced Bastila, without reading a walkthrough btw
Now second time, I'm playing female, and tried to hit on Carth. But so far (up till starforge already) the only "romance-like" dialogue I get from him is "I'm all ears, beautiful~" back on Taris. The rest, iirc are all identical to male when I did his sidequest.
I checked the internet all over for any romance walkthroughs but I cant seem to get any...
Can someone please tell me in detail what I have to do to romance him?
Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 4:50 am
by Macleod1701
I've tried this too and so far no good, but I'm sure I read that it can be done.
I'm pretty sure a DS female wont work but my LS female has had a few snippets of extra dialogue, only just about to leave Dantooine so might find out.
Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 10:21 pm
by Windstrider
Gosh, I finished my game... I even brought alone Carth with me in StarForge.
I am super-LS lady btw...maxed out my LS point on my 2nd starmap planet lol... or 3rd...can't remember.
Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 10:24 pm
by dayum_skippy
What do you mean by romance?
I don't even remember Carth kissing me or anything like that.
The only thing I can remember about Carth is that you can kill him.
Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 5:37 am
by Macleod1701
If your a woman you can choose dialogue that could lead to a romance with him, but I guess it depends how you play the game.
Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 4:04 am
by gem_max@hotmail
Im a girl and so now Im on my third playing through as a female and every time Ive had the 'romance' if thats what you could call it. Its not like the male story's romance with Bastila where you go into a secluded location for a bit of a smooch, but if you say the right things throughout the game and play Carth's quest he'll trust you and admit his feelings. As the Carth says women are quite 'refreshing' hehe. Best of luck.
Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 5:10 am
by Windstrider
thnx gem~
ya i wasnt expecting any smooching anyway (Carth smooching? Err...)
I must had said something wrong to him...come to think of it, when he said "I'm all ears beautiful" I think i replied "beautiful? isnt that a bit inappropriate?"
uh oh...

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 4:50 am
by DestinyRevan
How to pursue the relatinhip with Carth
If you don't know how to pursue the romance follow this:
You can hold 15 different conversations with Carth throughout the game. The
game will tell you when Carth wants to talk, but you can hold a conversation
with him earlier. This "romance" quest can only take place if you are a female
The first four conversations all become available on Taris.
Conversation 1 - Carth asks what you were doing during the battle that crashed
the ship, and states that he intends to keep a close eye on you. (If Bastila
is present she argues with Carth.)
Conversation 2 - You can ask if Carth has a problem with you, and he admits to
your expertise and tells you about how he won't trust anyone.
Conversation 3 - Carth angrily tells you a tale of betrayal of Revan and the
Republic fleet and apologizes for how he's treated you.
Conversation 4 - Carth talks about Saul, the current admiral of the Sith
fleet, and how he and Saul were once close friends.
Conversations 5 and 6 are available after you collect the first star map. If
you haven't reached Conversation 5 before you collect the second star map, the
romance subplot ends.
Conversation 5 - Carth asks some pointed question about your conversations
with the Jedi Council (you can answer or ignore). If Bastila is present, she
tells Carth to mind his own business. If you're light side, Carth wants to
know how you have so much responsiblity; if you're dark side, Carth mentions
your inclinations.
Conversation 6 - Carth apologizes to you and mentions he wants Saul dead, but
he also wants to help out with your main mission.
Conversations 7 and 8 are available after you collect the second star map. If
you haven't reached Conversation 7 before you collect the third star map, the
romance subplot ends.
Conversation 7 - You ask Carth why he wants revenge on Saul, and he
relates how Saul devastated the planet his wife and son lived on. His wife
died, and his son disappeared. This opens up an extra quest on Korriban.
Conversation 8 - Carth says he doesn't believe the dark side can change
someone so completely. If you're dark side, Carth expresses his concern.
Conversations 9 and 10 are available after you collect the third star map. If
you haven't reached Conversation 9 before you collect the fourth star map, the
romance subplot ends.
Conversation 9 - You can ask Carth why he seems so distant. He explains that
he's had difficulty remembering his wife's face.
Conversation 10 - You can ask Carth what he plans to do after he takes revenge
on Saul and he doesn't know, for he always focused on killing Saul and ssumed
he would be dead too, but now he has a reason to live.
Conversations 11 and 12 are available after you collect the fourth star map.
If you haven't reached Conversation 12 before you collect the fifth star map,
the romance subplot ends.
Conversation 11 - Carth compliments your strongest skill and mentions that
you've been invaluable to him and the team.
Conversation 12 - Carth expresses his concern for you. If you're light side,
he's worried that you're making yourself a target. If you're dark side, he's
worried about how much you've succumbed to violence and anger.
Conversation 13 takes place after the Leviathan. Bastila has been taken and
Saul has been killed. Carth tells you a shocking bit of information. You can
express surprise and tell Carth he has nothing to do with your destiny (which
ends the romance subplot), or that you won't follow the same path. How much he
believes you depends on your light side or dark side leanings.
Conversation 14 takes place before the Unknown World encounter at the temple
summit. Carth speaks to you before the challenge and promises to protect you.
Conversation 15 takes place after the Unknown World encounter. If you've
chosen the dark side, Carth runs off and swears that he'll save you. If you've
chosen the light side, Carth expresses his love for you and you can return that
love for him.
If you decide to restore your title of Dark Lord of the Sith by falling to the
dark side you will kill Carth right after you defeat Malak.
Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 8:51 pm
by Windstrider
thnx so much destiny~
that cleared up alot of stuff.