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one spell, many schools?
Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 4:51 am
by robot flux
Let's say that I create a spell that gives me
1 second of 1% chameleon (illusion)
1 point of levitate for 1 second (alteration)
1 fire damage to target and (destruction)
restores 5 hitpoints for 1 second (restoration)
Now if I cast that spell, how do(es) my skill(s) improve? Only that school that "dominates" in that spell? Or all of the four? So could I improve all those schools with just casting that spell? How does it work?
Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 8:06 am
by Wrath-Of-Egg
I am not sure.. but you just made me curius. So i will try that thing.
But in theory it should increase each one.
Does anyone have more information about this matter? Dont be shy.
Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 8:27 am
by Wrath-Of-Egg
I create spell like this [link][link]
It only raised my restoration skill..
So i have ended up with two theorys.
Spell effect wich is lowest will be considered as the one wich will gain whole experience.
Or then only the most weakest spell skill gains experience.
But when you consider those two things. At the moment first theory seams to be most reliable and how Bethese would have done that thing.
I will make further experiments tomorrow.
Text below is new...
Mhmp.. Silly me.. ignoring some parts.. how can i be so blind.
So theory 1 is correct. As you can see my Oddspell it is Restoration spell. So if you would have illusion effect on end of the line.. it would be considered as illusion spell and so on.
Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 9:25 am
by robot flux
yea, i see it too now. Ok thanks anyways. Man would it have been cool if all the schools were to improve.
Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 12:58 pm
by fable
Robot Flux, you already know the
forum rules, so look at #3, and the part about trying to avoid the profanity filter on GameBanshee. You're expected to follow the rules like anyone else. Please do so in the future, or your posts will be removed. Repeated violations of Buck's rules could remove your posting privileges.