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Don't play as a Dark Consular - It's a Joke (Spoilerish)
Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 5:43 pm
by Prince Thrash
So, you've decided to be a dark-side Consular/Sith Lord. Well too bad, because this game has no place for you. You'll be too powerful, you'll kill entire rooms of guys before your "useful" teammates have a chance to fire a shot - in fact, you'll just need an unarmed T3 droid to smoothly get through the game.
When you get Force Crush, you'll have the tool needed to take out the three main bad guys. It's ALL you'll need to take them out, you'll throw them around like a rag doll, and they won't have a chance against you. Don't worry about Constitution and HP, because you can chain drain lives so all damage is completely disregarded, you can "tank" non-stop, but as long as you have 1hp when that next drain life spell goes off, you'll be back up to full in no time.
There's no challenge to this game playing a darkside consular. My mana never went under 50%, I had WAY too much mana. The designers weren't quite thinking when they gave us endless pools of mana. The game is unbalanced, and far too easy. Face it -- there's no reason this game should have been automatically team-based except for plotline. You certainly dont need a team, they're really just fun to treat like dolls and dress in amusing ways. And THEY're too powerful too, capable of handling entire large encounters single-handedly (Mandalore anyone? Or perhaps one of your other Jedi friends?)
This game is too easy. It's fun, the plot isn't as good as I had hoped, but does it deserve a Game of the Year status? If you exclude Game Balance, the essence of any game before graphics and aesthetics, then yes, it is a great game... if you ignore the actual game part -- please give us a challenge! Some incredibly hard part to put a stake in our enthusiasm and endless, unimpeded killing!
--Prince Thrash--
Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 6:01 pm
by Remmie
Endless, unimpeded killing?
Gosh, now I want to replay the game as a dark side Consular. ;D
Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 7:41 pm
by PersuAzN
I agree with you there.. the game has no challange.
Even if you are a light side Jedi Consular/Jedi Master, you'll still own every single person.. Theres one thing Prince Thrash left out...
You see you don't get batter at Kotor with technique... just time. No challange, near the end of the game you become UBER God-Like Jedi. No matter what position you play.... Weapon Master, Watchman, Sith Assasin, who ever. you still become UBER Jedi. My combat Jedi Master kills a room 1 hit no problem. Clears a room up like a breeze. My Sith Lord and Jedi Master clears room with Force Wave.. Force Storm.. thats it. Force Crush leaves your opponent no time to get away.. even wen they save, they still get affected by it.
I dont mean to down KOTOR, but theres no challange... You become better with time. If you are looking for a real RPG, Xenosaga, Final Fantasy, etc, look there... This RPG is kinda newbish wen it comes to technique and skill.
Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 10:01 pm
by Obi-Wan-Evan
You think the game is too easy? Then why not try doing little things in the game like going through with just a plasma torch as a wepeon
or not using party members unless you have too.
Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 10:53 pm
by CodyCarson
go throw the game as a true Jedi. One saber.
Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 11:53 pm
by Prince Thrash
I think my main problem was how Kotor II teased me so much. I see nothing wrong with doing what its done with timing, I like the nice flexible queue, and I like how wiley you could be with grenades and traps. All the pieces were there, they just weren't arranged right, and it would have been nice if they put something in some cave somewhere that is harder than the last guy. Just a random challenege to test your end, fully decked out character.
I will be replaying this game with a non force-power marauder on difficult without a team to see if that evens out the odds and the game becomes excellent. Kotor 3 will be great, this was just an expansion pretending to be a sequel, but maybe there wasn't someone on the production team with nards (latin term) to direct how, once in a while, it's good to have your ass kicked by a computer.
Remember the Alamo,
Prince Thrash
Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 11:23 am
by PersuAzN
i love going 1 saber.. like the movies.. using 2 sabers or a double saber is a lil overated for me.. yes i play it so darn much that i manipulate the game into my own movie...
Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 1:18 pm
by Darth Vaalic
I was a level 45 guardian/marauder. Nothing stood in my way. I can kill you almost instantly with melee weapons, or just use force powers endlessly untill you are dead. Nobody and nothing lived for more than 2 rounds. Sion was a joke. I was hoping for at least a challenge out of him.
Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 8:35 am
by The1Raven
It's true. My level 47 sentinel/assassin is so rediculously powerful that I've just got her running around in her bad-girl kill bill underwear and minimal items. Visas too. And she's still unstoppable. I don't even need to use force powers most of the time. Although Master Vrook still put up a pretty good fight. He heals himself really well. In fact he just might be the toughest fight in the game (actually it's probably the five handmaidens, huh?).
Anyway, yeah. uber jedi.
Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 1:27 pm
by Rhoads
Yeah with my level 43 Sith Lord/Ex-Jedi Guardian I anhillated everybody in the room with a single force storm.
Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 5:39 pm
by Prince Thrash
Level 40+?
I never got above level 30, maybe I was level 28 when it ended, and the game became soft like butter. I couldn't image the same thing 17 levels later.
I've been playing solo as a Guardian (no group members) who doesn't use any force powers in combat, and it has been more rewarding and interesting than playing with a group. Some of the encounters are more of a challenege, but most are the same old thing - 7 guys on you, taking no damage, killing them all in two good hits. One single-bladed lightsaber is fun. If you go to Gameplay and set the mode to difficult, however, I don't think you'll notice much of a difference. A couple of extra difficulty levels would have been fun for those of us that like to make use of grenades and mines to their full, incredibly effective potential.
I'm eager to fight Maskface, I think it will be the most fun part of the game for me, since the first time you got a group to do it with, maybe this time it will take a re-load or two (hopefully)
Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 7:58 pm
by smokingcat13
do you guys set your difficulty to hard? I mean its more of a chalange and why not forget the saber if your gona be a consoler or at least don't put anything but the stock pacage together so that the game represents itself as a better chalenge....i mean the game was created at a normal setting and (for users like me) set it to easy and just forget to change it back when we get the chance!
Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 12:58 pm
by Blu3)Marine(
the game was made for console, and that is the problem, 8year old kids dont like it when the game is too hard and cannot win
Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 8:31 pm
by knave of hearts
yeah, the only difficult battles were the ones with out the MC. My pure lightside guardian/jedi master could just walk in and force storm everyone in one hit they would drop and due to an extremely high charisma he could keep going into room after room doing the same thing, if i got bored id bust out my dual silver sabers (one char. crystal + pontite the other kaiburr [at the end of course] and pontite) and that boys and girls, thats how i got the nick name the negotiator *pokes siggy* .... and then i found twenty dollars (that always makes a story better).
Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 2:18 pm
by ajdaha
What the!!???, I just got the game yesterday and I've been playing ever since. You guys finnished the game with level 40 characters???? You're telling me that there is no level cap. What the **** was the point in that? I mean, in the last game you could get to level 20 and would still find it hard to play the game then, unless you planned out your character very well before. This just takes out an entire part of the RPG that made the first game so good for me. Planning my character.
Tell me what is the point of putting in all these force powers and feats and features like AC and the will, reflex and fort. saves when the player will not even use them (If you guys are honest then all it should take is one hit from your character). And now I also read that the game was rushed and not finished! Tell you what Obsidian, I'm gonna play this game, but if it sucks, well ... you all beter stay away from the UK.
I can't realy judge yet, but I do know that I'm still in the first area (begins with P) and even though there is lots of information bombarding the player, it is not remotely as involving as Kotor I. I mean theres so much stuff in the game already, like influence being introduced, 2 extra characters already on my team, some sort of medical workbench, what the hell is that, I have no idea. And I'm only at the point where (spoiler
I had decided not to level up my character until I would reach a point where I would gain my prestige class, because I though that the game would be like the first Kotor (where you would become a jedi only later) and I always like to be the best I can be so I saved levels (God that was a great game). But now that I have found out that you become prestige at a certain level not a point in the story and that there are unlimited levels I realise that there is really no point in doing that. But my point is that even so, I am finding it extremely easy to kill anything. I gained flurry from the beginning with my counselor and I just use that, and I have -1 modifiers at everything except wisdom(4), charisma (3.5) and dexterity (-0.1). And think of this, I might as well have a -1 for everything since I'm not using my spells as I am only at level 1.
Flurry here (kill a robot with two shots, for some reason), run away , character heals by himself, (for some reason), a grenade once in a while. And its all over. And now I have my team members, Its all a joke.
PS: I'm playiong on hard, and I shall be leveling my character from now on, and might start a new game (depending on what I read about the game's mechanics in the next hour).
But someone please tell me this, can a character reach 50 DC for force powers in this game.
I almost cried when I realised that this was only possible on the PC version of Kotor I and not the Xbox (which I had).
And also, what are the rewards for Light/dark side mastery in this game, if there are any, and also which sidekick characters cannot be persuaded to become Jedi in this game. Please tell me I can have a jedi robot. That would excuse all of the problems I might have with the game.
Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 7:24 pm
by Windstrider
[QUOTE=knave of hearts]... if i got bored id bust out my dual silver sabers (one char. crystal + pontite the other kaiburr [at the end of course] and pontite) ....[/QUOTE]
How did u get a silver coloured crystal?? I never found one!
Yes when Atton asked me about wat my saber colour was I told him silver (coz lets face it - silver saber!! how cool is that!! and ya it sure is cool as hell when Atris pulled it out to gloat at me)
but as far as i know, you dont get that saber you? and certainly not 2 of them for a dual!!
So ya...I m interested how you can get silver... did all you GOSU players get above 40 level??
Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 8:29 pm
by Pardoz
While most of the crystals are random, there's one guaranteed silver crystal in the game if you do the LS version of the merchant quest on Nar Shadaa. It will appear after you report back that you've opened a route to Dantoine.
As far as levels of 40+, either by direct cheating or by exploiting one of the XP bugs, the most popular of which is probably the Infinite Hsiss Flaw.
Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 11:48 am
by araknid70
I finished as a level 16 Consular / level 10 Master. Played on difficult mode, and the only problem was Traya because she resisted all my force powers and did 150 damage to me with one hit (meaning she takes me out in 2-3 rounds, 4-5 if I turn on shields and completely buff myself). I had to use master speed and run around while throwing my lightsaber at her. Otherwise nothing else was a problem, Sion was stasis fielded all four times while I hacked him to pieces.
Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 8:58 pm
by FettJedi
Single lightsabers make the more difficult, also if you have a lightside character don't get any dark side powers or the throw lightsaber power. That makes the end game characters a lot harder. Dark side powers tend to kick everyone's butt and they don't resist them as much as they do light side powers.
Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 11:52 pm
by Darth Zenemij
I only know of the Dark side Mastery it changed twice for me though.I got + 1-8 on all damage and +50 to my force.I rulled so hard on that game it is not even funny.