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Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 3:50 pm
by FireLighter
I downloaded this from pocket plane site, and all it is is a Rar file... Im wondering where to put this in my Bg2 directory to get the ring to summon the imp and if it is compatible with weidU mods.

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 5:56 pm
by Nightmare
Just extract the file into your override folder from the .rar folder...

That's all I think you need to do. If you need to install it instead, just extract it to your main folder, and install.

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 6:13 pm
by Patrick
Night is right there, also if you experience any problems durning the game with the ring not showing any numbers type this into your CLUAConsole,
This is in the read me for the file and I need it every time I want to use the ring for accuracy in counting. Hope this helps

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 2:58 pm
by FireLighter
[QUOTE=Patrick]Night is right there, also if you experience any problems durning the game with the ring not showing any numbers type this into your CLUAConsole,
This is in the read me for the file and I need it every time I want to use the ring for accuracy in counting. Hope this helps[/QUOTE]
Umm... A few questions. First, What is CLUA console? Second, This didnt come with a readme, just a .Rar file.

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 7:37 pm
by Nightmare
A .rar file is exactly like a .zip file, a folder that is used to compress files. You'll need a program to extract a .rar file.

CLUAConsole is the game's console, for putting in "cheats". You can edit many things in the game with it. To activate it, put the line "Debug Mode=1" (without the quotation marks) under [Program Options] in your baldur.ini file. You might want to create a backup baldur.ini file first, though.

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 8:05 pm
by Patrick
Like the nightmare said rar is like zip file. I think the device to extract these files is callled winRar or some such, just like winace.
The CLUAConsole thing is a game editor. Put the code in like Nightmare said.
You can then add or change EXP., gold, create items or move around the world with a cheat code. Its basically a little buff but it is up to how you want to use it. Also you can change Global Variables with it, which is the case with the ring here.