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Crazy Ordinators

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 12:47 am
by Darth Potato
whenever i go 2 vivec city all the ordinators try to kill me(except the ones at the temple) and i don't have a bounty on my head, so im thinking its because i robbed the redoran vaults and the telvanni vaults.

so can someone tell me why this is happening? :confused:

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 12:50 am
by oozae
Hmmm, interesting.... Did you wear Ordinator armour at any time?

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 3:58 am
by Darth Potato
that could be why they are trying to kill me

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 7:55 am
by fable
Because they perceive you as a killer of Ordinators. Once it starts, I'm afraid it never stops. If you're of high enough level, you may actually want this to continue, since you can sell the armor and make a tidy profit.

Otherwise, if you're on a PC, there are mods that can halt this. If you're on an Xbox, I'm not sure what you can do.

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 8:12 am
by Yeltsu
If you are on PC then here is how to stop it ... natorfight

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 4:35 pm
by Alien_Newborn
Well, if you're on Xbox, your only real option would be to use a calm humanoid spell with a fairly long duration. (having originally played on the box, that was my solution) When I say "fairly long", I mean , you know, long enough to get your buisness in that area done.

Another possible answer (this only ever happened in ONE instance for me), is to have a bounty on ur head, and when the ordinator comes up, pay the fine. This happened to me once and after I payed, he didn't attack me anymore. This would, of course, be a phenominal waste of time if you were trying to do it to EVERY ordinator in the city, but it might be useful in a regularily visited area.

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 10:40 pm
by Darth Potato
ok thanks im gonna go and kill some and sell the the armor 2 that creeper guy.