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Companions as Jedi, leveling up...?
Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 8:48 am
by Ryngard
Alrighty, I am about to start a game of KotOR2 and I had a quick question. I know where to find spots to gain Influence, I know which characters can be Jedi, etc. My question is this...
I heard that by the time some people were able to make said party member a Jedi, they were too high of level for them to be good Jedi. My question is, in your opinion, what level should I stop leveling party members up at, which ones, so that they can have the most Jedi levels.
Any opinions/suggestions would be great.
Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 6:58 pm
by Obi-Wan-Evan
Well I wouldnt recomend not leveling up unless there a character that you don't use. Simply because then its basicly you have no party member backing you up in a fight since there weak. But if you want a jedi companion then I recomend going to Nar Shadda first and gain influence with Bau-dur because he can easily be turned into a jedi (but only on Nar Shadda).
Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 7:47 pm
by smokingcat13
if you want said character to be jedi and not don't level them up at all!! you can use those who can't be jedi until you can turn the others! so lets say I had a level 6 character that I knew could become a jedi, all i have to do is work on getting influence with them on the ebon hawk or go to the places were i can get influence with them.
Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 12:15 am
by Xandax
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Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 8:05 am
by The1Raven
That's a question I'm still working on myself. I don't think there's any specific formula that will work across the board. I would suggest finding out what KIND of jedi your party member will become and then decide how you would like to save levels or even if you'd like to save levels. For instance, if I'm playing a female character, then I like to go ahead and level up the Disciple every time because when you get him he's a soldier. So while he's a soldier I like to be able to load him up with feats. That's because when he becomes a jedi, he's a consular which, of course, means that he's going to have slow feat progression. In fact I like to level up Bao Dur as often as I get the chance also, because while he's not a jedi you can level the heck out of his skills, but once he becomes a guardian he has a lot fewer points to allocate in the skills dept.
That probably wasn't much help was it? "Trial and error, yo" probably would've been as much help.
Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 11:11 pm
by Elwood
Dark jedi companions
Can you train companions as jedi if you're playing on the dark side? If so who and where, and what kind of influince do you need?
Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 1:13 am
by Esenthiel
[QUOTE=Elwood]Can you train companions as jedi if you're playing on the dark side? If so who and where, and what kind of influince do you need?[/QUOTE]
I haven't been able to... I got Bao-Dur looking like he Darth Maul because he was so aligned to the dark side and he quit talking to me.... my only dialogue option with him was "Never mind."