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Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 12:13 am
by dragon wench
Okay, I hope this is not considered too far out of bounds for the Morrowind forum.. but something struck me as I was playing the other night.. The topic of 'human' & Khajiit romances..

Quite clearly they exist in the realm of Morrowind. There is a "romance" option for male characters with Ahnassi (sp?) in Pelagiad. Moreover, an in-game book I read recently, The Last Scabbard of Akrash makes explicit reference to a romantic relationship between a female Dunmer and a male Khajiit slave.

So this leaves some questions. How human/elven or feline are the Khajiit? And if they are more feline... what exactly are the game developers suggesting? :eek:

More seriously, is it just me, or is anybody else initially taken aback by the concept?

And remember guys, please keep it clean and on topic, thanks ;)

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 12:26 am
by oozae
I can't remember where but in some book it said all the races of Tamriel could have children with each other.

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 8:32 am
by Wrath-Of-Egg
I am not so sure about that... Have you seen Argonian before?

It would make more sence that all races except Argonians.

I have theory that Khajit once were Bosmers.. but then happened something similar that happened to Orsimer.

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 5:10 pm
by The Great Hairy
I was wondering this myself, especially since Zar gets some eyebrow raising responses when chatting with people.

From a biological point of view (TGHO points at his Genetics Degree), it is impossible for any of the races of Tamriel to produce fertile offspring, but they certainly can produce sterile offspring (such as a mule). And considering that all of the races (apart from Argonians...) have the appropriate umm... qualities, then a physical relationship between any two members of one of the main races would be quite possible.

From a sociological point of view, there is no real barrier to inter-species relationships. From the towns I've seen in the game, all of the races seem to intermingle without many problems, and racism seems to be limited to Dunmer keeping mostly Khajiit and Argonian slaves (although this may be mostly because those two races/lands are the ones who constantly skirmish against the Empire, and are captured and sold). Even with the slave issue, there doesn't seem to be any overt racism towards these slaves or races.

<Shrug> it seems to be possible within the game. And well, why not? :cool:


Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 3:33 am
by HiRo11er
Quite clearly they exist in the realm of Morrowind. There is a "romance" option for male characters with Ahnassi (sp?) in Pelagiad. Moreover, an in-game book I read recently, The Last Scabbard of Akrash makes explicit reference to a romantic relationship between a female Dunmer and a male Khajiit slave.

One doesn't have to look any further than the queen Barenziah herself to realize that khajits and elves can complete the more physical parts of a relationship without problems, at least if they are careful... Read the uncensored version of "The real barenziah" for more details...

Considering in-game relationships between characters; I don't think there's a single mixed-race couple in the whole game! It could be cool to have a small settlement south of Vos for example, where a high elf and a Khajit lived together, forced away from the big cities because of prejudice and racial tensions. They could even have a small side-quest where they beg you to go to Ebonheart and talk to the ones in charge regarding the injustice they've faced. Modders, go at it! :)