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East Empire Company
Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 5:51 pm
by The Great Hairy
Gidday all,
How do I go about joining the East Empire Company? Who do I have to talk with? Is it a mod, or part of the core game? If it is a mod - which mod is it?
Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 6:07 pm
by Ideal Maxima
You have to buy/have bloodmoon (IIRC you have bloodmoon) you go to solstheim and you talk to the leader of the fort. He'll tell you where to find the guy that allows you to join. But beware, if you will join, it will be much hard work, and you will have to build an entire town from scratch
Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 6:10 pm
by The Great Hairy
Yep, I have Bloodmoon. And I get to build an entire city?!?

That's soooo cool! Zar has to go there!
Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 7:48 pm
by oozae
It's really good and I enjoyed it but it's not a city but a colony, really just a small town.
Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 8:10 am
by jopperm2
These are some of my favorite quests and it actually gives you the opportunity to complete the quests as good or evil.
There are other choices involved too. It's great.
Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 10:22 am
by dragon wench
[QUOTE=jopperm2]These are some of my favorite quests and it actually gives you the opportunity to complete the quests as good or evil.
There are other choices involved too. It's great.[/QUOTE]
I entirely agree, IMO that is one of the best parts of the entire game. The NPCs you deal with are very well-developed, the quests are really varied and interesting, and having the option of two paths is a lot of fun, great for role-playing. Also, it feels quite rewarding, seeing the colony slowly grow as you complete the quests.
I also just love Solstheim, the landscapes are absolutely beautiful.
Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 5:18 pm
by oozae
The people at Bethesda did a great job at the colony, I was so sad when I finished it, I wanted more to happen. I hope something like that happens in Oblivion.
Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 5:21 pm
by jopperm2
THe reward you get for factorship is great too, especially for xBoxers that can't mod that sort of thing.

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 5:23 pm
by Raumoheru
thats sweet i never knew you could actually help build the colony, ill have to try that out.
Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 8:19 pm
by Alien_Newborn
So, are there any major differences to the quests and colony development from being evil (aside from the raised/lowered dispositions of certain NPC's)?