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Character movement too fast?
Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 8:14 pm
by nickdrj
Does anyone else find that the characters are sped up quite a bit in KOTOR2 when moving? I thought it looked like a benny hill episode when walking outside the asteroid in space suit. Anyone know if theres a way to make character animations more realistic like KOTOR?
Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 9:11 pm
by Obi-Wan-Evan
Hmm not that I know of but I personally hated the slow movement of the enviromental suits and space suits in Kotor and so Obsdian maybe bended the rules a little bit to make fans more happy because I wasnt the only one who didn'y like it.
Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 7:19 am
by Ergophobia
Actually, I also thought it was quite funny, seeing my character moving sickly fast in space... I wouldn't worry too much about it, the part where you walk in space there is a lot longer than in KotOR 1, so it would take ages if you'd walk it on the same speed. Plus you'd take more damage walking through the steam-thing near the end.
(actually first when I entered the outside I thought I had force speed left on