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Magical vs Non-Magical Weapons
Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2001 2:37 pm
by Philip
In the world of SoA(ToB) there are creatures that can "only be damaged by non-magical weapons". Ok - so what defines a non-magical weapon exactly?
Does the Warblade+4 gets its +4 bonus because of excellent craftsmanship, balance, sharpness, etc or is it due to magic?
Obviously weapons that do additional elemental damage or provide protection against charm/confusion, etc must have some innate magical component bound into them, but are all +1, +2, +3, etc weapons inherently magical or is there some 'offical' rule that defines which are and which aren't?
Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2001 2:38 pm
by nael
if there's aplus sign, it's magical. just use your fists and pummel the magic golems
Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2001 8:25 pm
by Lemark
don't worry too much about magical and non magical when dealing with encounters. if you find a monster that can't be hurt by magical weapons, then just cast summon monsters and those guys use non magicals. you can have up to 6 (though they say 5max) if you cast stuff at the same time.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2001 12:37 am
by Agnocar
Hmmm, for magic golems, and liches/dragons that cast Protection from Magical weapons, I always have a non-magical weapon in my fighters' quickweapons. That way, I can just switch over until the spell wears off, or the golem is dead.
As an aside, does anyone know if the spell Protection from Magical Weapons is affected by Dispel Magic? It doesnt seem to be.
Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2001 1:55 am
by Xyx
you can have up to 6 (though they say 5max) if you cast stuff at the same time.
Almost. Several of the critters (especially those from Monster Summoning) aren't registered as summons. You can summon infinite Ettercaps, for example.
for magic golems, and liches/dragons that cast Protection from Magical weapons, I always have a non-magical weapon in my fighters' quickweapons.
If only those Liches weren't naturally immune to normal weapons... Or Breach

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2001 2:01 am
by KensaiRyu
posted 06-27-2001 03:55 AM
you can have up to 6 (though they say 5max) if you cast stuff at the same time.
Almost. Several of the critters (especially those from Monster Summoning) aren't registered as summons. You can summon infinite Ettercaps, for example.
for magic golems, and liches/dragons that cast Protection from Magical weapons, I always have a non-magical weapon in my fighters' quickweapons.
If only those Liches weren't naturally immune to normal weapons... Or Breach
Unfortunetly Dragons are immune to weapons of less than +1 enchantment as well.
Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2001 2:22 am
by Agnocar
Hmmm, I think when I was fighting Draconis, he cast that very spell, I switched to a non-magical katana on my monk, and I do belive it did like 15 damage a hit.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2001 3:42 am
by KensaiRyu
Ahh I have not beat TOB yet (or even played much of it). But I have found the answer.
The item that bestows the abilities for the dragons has been changed for tob.
Dragons are no longer immune to +1 weapons (as they were in SOA) however they are immune to many other things still such as charm, stun, hold, entangle, sleep, silence, grease, unconsciousness, darts, throwing daggers, bullets, bolts, throwing axes, arrows, and slow. Check out the DRAGRING.itm for more details...And thanks for pointing that out.
As a side note I plan on adding a (!HasItem("DragRing",[EVILCUTOFF])) check for that ring before casting certain spells against an opponent with my player character scripts.