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Keto: what do you think?

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 8:28 pm
by fable
Keto, a party NPC mod, has garnered some very positive comments recently, but I've seen nothing really in detail. Just wondered what any of you who have tried the mod thought of the character: dialog, background, stats, combat, etc.

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 1:00 am
by Opalescence
But ... but ... thou art fable the omnipotent! Thou should knowest everything! :D . Ok, ok, well, um ... let's see:

dialog: Keto seems to be an up-beat and very funny character. There's definately back-story to discover about her, and her banter with Kelsey should not be missed. Keto's quite talkative, and she's full-up on the required talks (like the Tree of Life, hell, and Bhodi's offer, among others), and she makes comments whenever you do something big (like kill Firkraag or free Amunator's avatar), and so is a very interesting person to keep around. Not to mention she's expertly voiced by everybody's favorite traffic light!

background: I can't comment on this, as it's an integral part of her storyline. Just play her through SoA, you should get to her quest sooner or later, which will answer many of your questions.

states: very, very average. She's no powerhouse, and so if you looking for Solaufein junior, you're out of luck. She can become a passably decent tank if you put her in Melodic Chain (which allows its wearer to cast spells, VERY important!) and give her a good sword, but while she's decent, she's no Anomen, Minsc, or Korgan.

combat: try using Keto as a support caster. Her spell slots are very limited, but she can gain levels like crazy, so for instance she will have a billion and one stone skins, and her haste will last a very long time, her skull traps will deal a great deal more damage, and so will her chain lightings. Basically, any spell that's dependant on level should be cast by her, as bards have the rogue level-up scheme, the fastest in the game. This makes up for the fact that while she's certainly much better than, say, Aerie in direct combat, she's still no powerhouse. Best thing to do with her is to ask her to throw up a stoneskin (TRUST me, her stoneskin will last almost forever, unless you've got her surrounded) and use her other spells to decent effect. If (or when) she gets her HLAs, you may possibly consider switching her to singing the improved bardsong.

All in all, Keto's a very chatty, interesting, and at least somewhat deep character that was done in fun and expected to be played in fun. Despite the fact that she's got no ToB content (yet!), she's still a very good mod and should at least be given a try.

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 1:14 am
by fable
She's no powerhouse, and so if you looking for Solaufein junior, you're out of luck.

I roleplay, never powerplay, so she sounds like she'd be perfect for my party. :)

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 10:31 am
by SP101
I played with her once, and it's a really complete NPC. Alot of banters, with everyone, PC and NPCs.

I dont think Keto is weak, I think she is a really balaned NPC, like Cernd. You should give her a ranged weapon for harder quests/areas (Underdark, Planar Sphere, Lavok's Sphere, Firekraag Dungeon, etc.) because, even if she can cast stoneskin, blur and mirror image, she's no fighter.

I use her as a support character. So she cast haste, defensive spells for herself, breachs, dispels, etc. and she use her ranged weapon (I used Crossbows IIRC)

She's a great character for a roleplayer, and one of the worst for a powergamer (Haer'Dalis is way stronger than her. Better stats, 2* in S.Swords, Blade kit, etc.).

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 10:40 am
by fable
So, let's see...

my PC

Looks my PC is going to have to tank, unless anybody has suggestions for dropping someone else. I'd rather keep Jan--love the interactions, and I understand at least one mod adds extra items he can make. I could drop Jaheira, I suppose, though I'd rather not.

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 12:29 pm
by Opalescence
With Aerie and Jan around, I would suggest that the whole rest of your party be tanks, as I often have a rule, "two tanks to a caster". Still, its your party, but having your PC be your primary tank is a baaad idea, since if he dies, then you lose. If he doesnt die, the enemies will beat on poor aerie. I'd drop Jaheira for Anomen (i know, i know he's really annoying, but meh) or maybe Minsc. I know you like to roleplay, but the thing is, the best tank you've got in there's Jaheira, and she's not all that great (although creeping doom's awesome).

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 3:29 pm
by fable
Why Minsc, as opposed to Keldorn?

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 3:06 am
by lompo
[QUOTE=Opalescence]With Aerie and Jan around, I would suggest that the whole rest of your party be tanks, as I often have a rule, "two tanks to a caster". Still, its your party, but having your PC be your primary tank is a baaad idea, since if he dies, then you lose. If he doesnt die, the enemies will beat on poor aerie. I'd drop Jaheira for Anomen (i know, i know he's really annoying, but meh) or maybe Minsc. I know you like to roleplay, but the thing is, the best tank you've got in there's Jaheira, and she's not all that great (although creeping doom's awesome).[/QUOTE]

I disagree with Jaheira, she can be a very effective tank, with the right gear she can reach very high AC (use shield in SoA) plus iron skins and buffs.
As for having main char as tank isn't a problem, I played twice with a melee char (pure fighter and Inquisitor) and never had problems:
Fighter/paladin etc.
Great team!