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NWN Chapter 1 finale - stone of recall use

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 2:17 pm
by Corak
I am in Helm's hold and when I use the stone of recall it no longer takes me back to the hall of justice, but to the ritual chamber, which seems to have no access to the City core. Does this mean I can't get a henchman that I haven't used before? I've just read the manual (yeah, a little late) and found out that I can have a second henchman. Will I ever be able to get to the city core again?

Also Aribeth doesn't seem to offer temple services any more, so she can't heal me. Is this the way it is for the rest of the game.

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 2:26 pm
by Shodan
In the NWN OC you can only have 1 NPC as a henchman.

You're in the finale of chapter 1. The Ritual Chamber is the only place you can go. You can't go back to the City Core.

You can get any henchman at the beginning of chapter 2. They're all there waiting for the Hero.

Aribeth is using her powers to keep the portal open. I haven't played the NWN OC is a while so that might be why she isn't offering to heal you anymore.

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 5:10 pm
by RenigadeRhino
Shodan is right as far as i can remember, your henchman is in the next little room as you get warped to. and as far as healing goes.. resting i guess is the best you can do.