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A possibly silly question about my character...

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 3:14 pm
by Moon Maiden
Hey guys. I know I keep asking questions that people either don't know the answer to, or don't really give a rat's bum about, and I'm pretty sure I've asked a similar question about this already, but I was thinking about it long and hard today at work, and I've just gotta know if there is a simple solution to my question. I have used vclan to change my ventrue femme fatale into a loony, loveable malkavian laydee. Trouble is, I love playing as a malk, because the dialogue options are so cool. I got fed up with the haughtiness of my ventrue, hence the change. I would really love to LOOK like the ventrue while still having the dialogue options of the malk (looking like ventrue, being malkavian). I've tried the whole downloading of the thingy that you can change skins or whatever with, but honestly folks...I mean it when I say I am DUMB when it comes to computers. Seriously, if you don't spell it out for me, I'll be sitting here all day, scratching my head and wondering why I just dont understand. I'm sure there is a way to do it, please just someone tell me exactly how, and I'll be SOOOOOO happy. You see, aside from the short hair, the ventrue kinda looks like me, and I would get so much more immersed in the game, lookinng like her instead of some deranged school girl/cowgirl/policegirl...uh, hell's angel? LOL I love malks but seriously, help me change to look more like me!!! Sorry for the rambles...long day, and little sleep makes me silly. Look forward to your posts!
Moon Maiden

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 3:47 pm
by Lucita
Lol...having tried to change skins 2 weeks ago for the first time, I know what you mean....

Here is the original thread about reskinning etc: ... hp?t=53829

There is only one thing you have to do....get the VPK Tool, for ease of finding the skins, unpack all the VPK files ( save those who aren't working, I think the VPK 100 and 101 won't open ).

Now you should be able to see the filefolders in your Vampire Directory. Take a look into the folders. There should be a folder named Models, in it are all the character skin files.
Now...all you have to do is to make a backup from the original skin files ( for you the malkavian girl files, just rename the "Armor" folders to something like "Original_Armor"
Then make a copy of the Ventrue girl files, put them into folders named like the official malkavian girl and start the game....

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 4:17 pm
by TheFamilyGuy
1.) Create some folders in your Vampire directory:

2.) Use VPKTool to extract some files, (X) is from 0 till 4
Vampire\models\character\pc\female\ventrue\armor(X)\ventrue_female_armor_(X).mdl (from pak001.vpk)
Vampire\models\character\pc\female\ventrue\armor(X)\ventrue_female_armor_(X).dx7_2bone.vtx (from pak001.vpk)
Vampire\models\character\pc\female\ventrue\armor(X)\ventrue_female_armor_(X).dx80.vtx (from pak001.vpk)
Vampire\models\character\pc\female\ventrue\armor(X)\ventrue_female_armor_(X).phy (from pak008.vpk)

3.) Copy all files in the Vampire\models\character\pc\female\ventrue\armor(X) directory to the appropriate Vampire\models\character\pc\female\malkavian\armor(X) directory

4.) Rename all the files in the Vampire\models\character\pc\female\malkavian\armor0 directory from ventrue_female_armor_0 to malkavian_female_armor_0
Rename all the files in Vampire\models\character\pc\female\malkavian\armor1 directory from ventrue_female_armor_1 to malk_girl_armor_1
Rename all the files in Vampire\models\character\pc\female\malkavian\armor2 directory from ventrue_female_armor_2 to malk_girl_armor_2
Rename all the files in Vampire\models\character\pc\female\malkavian\armor3 directory from ventrue_female_armor_3 to malk_girl_armor_3

5.) Start the game and have fun.

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 8:40 pm
Little on the slow side.

I think Im in the same boat as moon maiden, but where do I put the vpk tool at. Do I have to put it in my game folder? I have read the forum over and over and maybe I just cant see the forest for the trees...... HELP!!!!

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 5:55 am
by Lucita
You can keep it about anywhere you want....

I made an extra folder for it, easily accessable, with modified and downloaded skins and so on....
You don't have to put it in your Vampire directory....

The tool is just for opening the compressed game files named VPK....Sure you can do some other stuff with it as well. But for the beginner and for everyone who just wants to swap the skins from one to another character you just need the Extractor.