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The sith lords, whats the story! Spoilers!!
Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 7:17 am
by Lowkei
Please highlight to read:
Darth sion, Darth nhilious, Darth traya (kreia). I don't get it. Was darth sion and darth Nilious master and apprentice, if so which one was the master? Who put the bounty on the jedi? What were Darth nilious and sion trying to acheive? Darth traya. Did she actully train reven? Did we actully find out were revn went?
I know this is alot of questions but im just tryin to clear up things i didn't really get. I probly have more questions l8'er, but i think this is enough for now. Cheers guys. 
Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 10:44 am
by alpha_hazard
As far I I understnad it, Darht Nihilus was the Jedi that fueled the mandalorian wars. He influenced the Mandalore of 10 years ago to go out. THis was in order to draw out the other jedi so he could feed on them. I don't think he and Sion were master or apprentice at all. Nihilus is possibly the one that revan sought to protect the galaxy from in returning to republic space.
Sion and Traya Are Apprentice and master respectively. Sion was rejected by traya when he refused to turn from the force, so traya sought out the exile. Most likely it was She who placed the bounty of jedi, in order to find one who would be a worthy apprentice. The thing I noticewd the most was that while sion hated Traya, he was not actually willing to destroy her, only threaten.
Revan's story is never revealed to us. It is not really important to the story f the Sith Lords. Revan traveled outside republic space, leaving behind those that he/she loved...that all we really know.
The Exile, at least my exile, would have at least given her friends the opportunity to join in the journey to the outer rim world in search of whatever it is needed to be found.
Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 11:16 am
by Obi-Wan-Evan
If your still confused play the game a second time, I know when I did I got the story better.
Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 1:59 pm
by Pardoz
Am I the only person who's played this game who read Goto's dialogue when he states outright that he put the bounty on Jedi and explains the reasons for doing so?
Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 3:31 pm
by FourtySeven
Yah, Goto put the bounty out for the jedi because he needed help from one to restore stability to the universe, he asks you to either save the republic or side with the sith an establish them.
Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 11:03 pm
by iamconfounded
jedi bounty == GOTO
I thought Traya == Master && Darth Nilhous == Apprentice && Darth Sion == Apprentice
Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 11:33 pm
by Darth Clayaken
Been through the game more time than I would like to admit and I got the following...
On separate occasion, people claiming responsibility for the bounty:
Atris, Kreia, G0-T0
And the Mandalorian War were a result of:
Some sort of crazy recruitment by Revan. By throwing them into a war, (s)he wanted to weed out the weak Jedi and turn the surviving ones.
As for Nihilus and the Exile:
The only back story I got about him was that he was "created" from the events on Malachor V. All the death that occured when the Exile wiped out the planet somehow had such an effect on him, he lost his "body" and became some sort of force apartition or some other Lucas-ian medachlorian-esque craphouse story. On the same token, all that death at once is what cause the Exile to become disconnected from the force. The only way to silence all the screaming dead dudes in his/her brain was to shut down the force. I don't know why I'm still typing in black, since this thread is clearly marked "spoiler". But it is fun, isn't it?
The Mother (Kreia), The Sion and the Holy Ghost (Nihilus):
No, she's not a mother. I'm just feeling witty and I know I'm amusing no one but myself. I never really found out how Nihilus is connected to Kreia and Sion. Kreia and Sion, as mentioned before, were master and apprentice. If it weren't for the cutscene you get if you ask her if she's Jedi or Sith, I wouldn't think there was any connection to Nihilus at all. I speculate that when Kreia decided to drop Sion, he hooked up Nihilus and together they had enough power to give her a smackdown and strip her of the force. I know that doesn't make sense because Nihilus would've just fed off of Sion, right? This is the part of the story that suffered from the rush to production. Anyway, not taking a hint from previous failures, she sought you out (another person stripped of the force) to try again to make a model student. She did train Revan and many other Jedi that ran off to fight the Mandalorians. All considered failures by the Council, her whole motivation was to show them that she could train a successful student. Sion's motivation is very Jan Brady. He wants to show Kreia that she made a mistake in dumping him and he wants to kill you because you're her favorite (It's always the Exhile..... Exile, Exile, Exile!). Nihilus' motivation is, well... he's just hungry and rolling around the universe on a grand Taco Bell run.