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(spoilers) Some questions about KOTOR cameos

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 7:21 pm
by thecowwarrior
I just beat KOTOR2 on PC for the first time today, had never played the game before, but loved the original. I'll spare you all my thoughts on how inferior I think the sequel turned out to be, but before I play again I do have a question or two..

Since beating the game the first time (as a lightside female), I've read a few FAQs, walkthroughs, and a lot of forum posts here looking for info about cameos by characters from the original KOTOR. From what I can gather, depending on what you tell Atton about Revan's actions between KOTOR 1 and 2, you can either speak with Bastila or Carth. I've read a few things that say you have to tell Atton that Revan was a dark side male, and then you can get a holocron on Korriban with Bastila's account of Revan's actions, and I've read elsewhere that you must say Revan was lightside in order to get this. Can someone clear this up for me please?

The second thing I'm confused about is the holovid T3 shows you onboard the Ebon Hawk (when I played before, it was Carth, even though the game bugged and I didn't get to hear a word he said :mad: ). Supposedly, depending upon what you tell Atton, this could also be Bastila, but the guide I have says it will be her if you set Revan as male, which I did (honestly, I can't recall if I set him as light or dark side, although I think I said lightside, does that matter here?). Anyone got the facts here?

I've also heard that it's possible to meet Bastila in Atris' academy on Telos after the destruction of the Ravager. Is this true?

I plan on playing the game through the second time as a dark side male, and I'd like to see the things I didn't see the first time through, especially Bastila, who was the favorite character from the original KOTOR. Any help clarifying all this would be greatly appreciatied. Thanks!

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 5:33 am
by LostJedi
To answer your questions:

-) you are not going to see anything of Juhani, Jolee, Zaalbar and Mission (who are dead anyway if Revan went darkside in KotOR 1). Only Jolee is twice mentioned in passing;

-) if you say to Atton that Revan was darkside, Carth is dead too, so he can't appear in KotOR 2 except in a hololog. If Revan was light, however, you will see transmissions from Carth quite often and meet him personally on Telos Citadel Station, after the Ravager exploded;

-) T3-M4, HK-47 and Canderous are regular party members;

-) Bastila is the most complicated one, depending on how you set Revan's sex and alignment in the first conversation with Atton:

If you say that Revan was male, and you get T3-M4 to replay his hidden message, you will see a holo of Bastila talking to T3, with different lines whether he was light or dark (if Revan was female, you see Carth instead).

If you blow Master Uthar's door on Korriban, you will find a holocron inside. This will ALWAYS be destroyed if Revan was lightside, no matter how high your demolitions skill is. If Revan was dark, you see a holo of Bastila, with different lines whether Revan was male or female.

At the aforementioned meeting with Carth on Citadel Station (not in Atris' academy), Bastila will enter the room after the Exile has left and exchange a few words with Carth. This is her only real appearance in KotOR 2 and happens only if Revan was light, otherwise neither her nor Carth would be on Telos. It may be (not sure however) that she only drops in if Revan was male.

Regardless of what you said to Atton, when you enter Ludo Kressh's tomb on Korriban, you get a vision of Darth-to-be Malak recruiting Jedi for the Mandalorian Wars, among them Bastila. But this is only a vision, and an incorrect one as well, as the Exile is quick to point out, since Bastila did not join Malak and Revan then.

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 9:53 am
by thecowwarrior
Thank you LostJedi, that cleared it all up for me, you really know what you're talking about! :)

However, as I recall, Carth only died in KOTOR1 if you were a dark side female. Regardless of Revan's gender, Carth would run away after you killed Juhani, Mission, Zaalbar, and Jolee (if i remember right, if your persuade skill was high enough you could order Zaalbar to kill Mission and then keep him as a party member, but I might be remembering that incorrectly). But if you were female I remember Carth flying up to the Star Forge after you killed Malak and trying to "save" you, but then you kill him. That may only happen if you went along with the Carth-Revan love story, though, I'm not sure. Thus it seems a reasonable assumption that Carth could also be alive if Revan was a dark side male. Of course, that doesn't mean that's the way the KOTOR2 design team viewed it, just my thoughts.

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 12:32 pm
by thecowwarrior
One more question: does the exile's gender or light/dark side alignment have any bearing on any of that?

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 6:47 am
by LostJedi
If Revan was dark side male, Carth might not have actually been killed, but he was left behind on the Unknown World as a castaway, like the Duros you met at the beach. He most probably would have been honored as the great warrior he was by being eaten personally by the One :rolleyes: .

And no: the Exile's sex and alignment do not have any consequences in this case.