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help with workbench

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 4:24 pm
by shrek
I have bought heaps of advanced medpacs to breakdown into componants, but they don't appear in the breakdown menu screen. In fact no items appear in the "useable" filter. What am I doing wrong? :confused:

thanks in advance.

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 4:38 pm
by Ergophobia
I've personally never encountered medpacks in the breakable items list of the workbench, so I think they can only be broken down into chemicals, not components. What a waste of money for you then. :(

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 6:04 pm
by shrek
I was following the advice on the KOTOR II GB site
"When at the merchant, look for "infinite" Advanced Medpacs, at 80 credits apiece. Each Advanced Medpac breaks down into 4 components, the cheapest and most practical component-to-cost ratio I've found"

Are any of the useable items available for componants?

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 6:35 pm
by jeremiah
Not sure if repair skill has to be certain level but the medpacs can be seen as options to break down under MISC.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 4:03 am
by Macleod1701
Why don't you just wait and collect items, any items you don't want to keep for use now or later on, break them down, after a certain point you have so much money it's useless getting more anyway as you'll have bought everything you need already.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 4:14 am
by Nephthys Shadow
Well, with uber stats or a high level there are ALOT more open options to breakdown/make... Or try under other or all.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 5:10 am
by shrek
Advanced medpacs doesn't appear anywhere in my breakdown options for the workshop.

I was trying to follow the advice for the most efficient use of unneeded items (to sell and aquire other items to breakdown). If medpacs dont work what items yield the most compononts per cost?


Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 5:49 am
by Macleod1701
Mate I've already said don't bother buying things for components, just use the stuff you find. Some armour and weapons that you find yield huge amounts of components if you don't want to use them as items and have enough money hat you don't really need to sell them.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 7:22 am
by shrek
I was looking for the most efficient way to get max componants early on. If an item which could yield say 9 comoonants could be sold to buy 10 items yielding 2 componants each yould would be 11 componants better off selling than breaking up.

If anyone knows purchasable items yielding more that 2 even better. :D

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 1:07 pm
by jeremiah
If you buy medpacs or grenades, you are effectively paying 20 credits per component. If you wait until you get repair skill to 20, you can get the components at 12 to 13 credits per component by directly harvesting the item you got as loot vs selling and buying.

With a sentinel, I had no problem getting the requirements by Telos military base. Even decided to break down and create anti-droid meelee upgrades while there specifically for the droids and Hk50s since I was confident I could break them down for the same number of components needed to create them. This is with Valor powers and the Czerka utility belt plus int of 14.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 1:25 pm
by Polyphemus
The best way to get components without spending money is to do the handmaiden robes cheat. With a high enough repair skill they can each be broken down into 200 components. As well they sell for 2600 credits each to the merchant on Telos.

Other than that, just break down any heavy armor you don't use, any Zebrak weapons, Twi'lek vibroblades, good blasters, etc. Without really even focusing on it too much my first time through, I ended up with four Ossus deuling lenses, three expert bolt deflection lenses, and more scopes, overlays and such than I could ever need. And on top of that over 11,000 components! Basically, just break down anything that you don't think you'll be using anytime soon, don't be stingy, you'll probably find something better in no time.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 1:55 pm
by Darth Clayaken
Around the middle of the first planet, I found that "efficiency" kinda goes out the window as I have more credits and loot than I'll ever need in the game.

Since Mandalore is the only one that uses armor (all my other NPCs eventually become Jedi), I just sell enough armor to give me a good cushion of credits and then break down the rest for a rediculous amount of components. Come to think of it, the only person I've ever bought anything from is the salvager with lightsaber parts and maybe the rodian on Nar Shaddaa.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 4:47 pm
by boris88

Im sorry for sounding stupid but i have just started playing it today and could someone please explain about workbenches? What do u do with them? :confused:

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 12:06 pm
by Ergophobia
You can break down items into components, which you can then use to create new items of your own. Breaking down items at the workbench goes better when you have a higher repair skill, since you will get more components from one item then.
Also, you can use the upgrades you've found or created to make your weapons or armor better at the workbench.

The lab station is used in pretty much the same way, only it breaks down items into chemicals, which you can use to create stimulants, healing items, implants, grenades and mines. (also it uses treat injury instead of repair)

EDIT: I think the PC and Xbox versions are different in using the workbench and lab worktop. I heard all people telling to break down medpacks in components and the Handmaidens robe too, but with my PC version I am unable to. I think the platform determines this, not anything else. (it makes sense though, you could make medpacks out of chemicals and then break them down into components? no. just no.)

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 4:12 am
by Wolgare
I think I encountered a bug when breaking down items to components. It doesn't matter what I try to breakdown I only get one component. Anyone know a way around this?

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 4:20 am
by Xandax
[QUOTE=Wolgare]I think I encountered a bug when breaking down items to components. It doesn't matter what I try to breakdown I only get one component. Anyone know a way around this?[/QUOTE]

Are you sure that the value of the items are more then 1 component? Many of the first items you get will only break for 1 component in my game whereas later items will break for more.

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 7:37 am
by Wolgare
Yes I'm sure. I'm on Dantooine now and that is the only place I've got left. I'm level 22 I think.

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 8:34 am
by Ergophobia
What's your PC's repair skill? That's what determines the amount...

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 4:31 pm
by Wolgare
Well my pc has zero but I've tried it with Bao-Dur and Mira and they have very high repairskill.
When you breakdown items is it only your pc's skill that count?
I mean my partymembers can create upgrades my pc can't so they should be able to breakdown items for more components than my pc. Right?

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 7:13 pm
by Pardoz
When you breakdown items is it only your pc's skill that count?
mean my partymembers can create upgrades my pc can't so they should be able to breakdown items for more components than my pc. Right?
You'd think so, wouldn't you? Unfortunately you'd be wrong. When breaking stuff down only your Repair skill counts.