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Need help on flirting with the females! :)

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 11:06 pm
by ytszazu
Call me a romance freak, but I think every RPG should have some romance. :p

I'm full light sider at the moment. Level 23.


The handmaiden, the best I can go is giving her the ability to convert to Jedi Guardian, fully trained with her (level 22). I can't find anything new to converse with her. Her light side points are nearly full. Success in any current influence checks.

Vesas, full light side points, no new talking options, but success in any current influence checks, can converse until the point where she says I'm not ready for her master yet.

That grenadier girl, which keeps saying I'm too old. (not very interested, but can give the tips too :D )

So, how to go into a 'deeper' relationship with them. Especially handmaiden and Vesas. I'll be playing a second time just to court the other female.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 2:54 am
by Admo
I can give you a few tips on Handmaiden and Visas, but Nar Shaddaa was my last planet besides Korriban, which shoots along rather quickly so I never really had chance to speak much with Mira.

I take it that you haven't yet begun the end-game section, after joining up with all the remaining Jedi Masters on Dantooine. Basically you save Handmaiden's life, won't go into it much further but she tells you her name and gives you a load of spiel on her feelings and so on.

Visas's relationship with your character also does not evolve until you reach the end-game. Basically before you face-off with her Master, Lord Nihilus (who isn't developed as a character at all unfortunately), she will have a long conversation confessing her feelings for you. There is also a nice little scene after that battle if you take her on-board the Ravager with your character and Mandalore.

Going to play again (almost done this first time) and go to Nar Shaddaa first and investigate other NPC's, particularly Mira and Atton, never got into their storylines. That was my only problem with the game in particular, besides Kreia's attitude problem, was that you only really uncovered plots from characters you kept with you. Should hvae been more conversation and influence options on board the Ebon Hawk.