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Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 7:54 pm
by joos13
I have about 18 points in alchemy and can ID 1-2 of the effects of some herbs/meat/etc, but consuming the raw materials has no effect on me. I just read in the "Better Living thru Chemistry" thread that they could be consumed, but I swear that I read that potions had to be created elsewhere. Which is right? Is my game bugged or do I just need to make some potions? I have searched the forum and found no definitive answer. Thank you.

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 8:00 pm
by Raumoheru
what you are asking is a little confusing so ill just throw some things i know

typically to eat an item u have to have a higher alchemy score...18 prolly wont cut it

to make potions u use a mortar and pestal (required) a calcinator, an alembic, and a retort.

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 9:30 pm
by fable
Joos13, doesn't the manual give you the alchemy basics?

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 6:57 pm
by joos13
@ Fable: You must have not looked at your manual in a while because you threw it away a long time ago when you realized it was useless. :p (not meant to be mean, of course)

No, alchemy is not addressed well in the manual.

My specific question is: What exactly is required to be affected by raw materials (is it possible at all?)? I can identify some of the properties of materials, but consuming them has no effect. My alchemy level is actually 16.


Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 7:43 pm
by RebelousDarkElf
Just a tip, don't mess with fable ;) , but anyway.

Just eating the raw materials usually require like at least a level 50 skill in alchamy. A good book for alchamy would be the Alchamists Formullary, or something like that. If you want some good alchamy stuff, go to Caldera's Mages Guild and go in a room by a blonde haired male Breighton. Open the door and go up the stairs. There is a full set of masters level alchamy stuff. Just a note, the door is not locked in any manor, you can just walk in it.