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Post by Genetic »

Where can I get a command humanoid spell or enchanted item? :confused: I want one baaaad.
I need to kill Hrordis in Pelagaid to get the Belt of Sanguine Fleetness, and I need to do it without gettiong caught? And since she won't talk to me, I need to lure her out of the city and then kill her.
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Post by FweL »

Go in her room an kill her. bevare though others will attack you. So close door.

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Post by Genetic »

My crime still got reported when I killered her in her room.
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Post by FweL »

Then pay quards. Learn Frency spell. Try talking with her butt naked.

My avatar changes with my mood. If it is dark and ugly then I am not very happy and often as grumpy as bear. If it is something else then it means that i might be less ''me''.
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Post by dragon wench »

Maybe try this.

If you aren't already a member, join the thieves guild. Cast a Mark spell in the thieves guild, then return to Hrordis' house, kill her with the door closed. Recall back to the thieves guild, talk to the pertinent people about having a bounty removed, and your name will be cleared.
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Post by Godslayer »

You could try stealing it from her. Or, if you must kill her, use Taunt to get her to attack you.
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Post by dragon wench »

[QUOTE=Godslayer] Or, if you must kill her, use Taunt to get her to attack you.[/QUOTE]

If she won't speak to him, then I assume what he means is that the only dialogue option is "good-bye." If that is the case, you can't use any kind of persuasion on somebody whether it be taunt, admire or bribe.

Theft is a possibility, the method I outlined above would work, a frenzy spell should do it too. It might even be possible to cast a charm spell in order to get her to talk, in which case it should be possible to go to the taunting stage. If using magic, "frenzy" is probably the easiest route
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Post by Monolith »

[QUOTE=Genetic]Where can I get a command humanoid spell or enchanted item? :confused: I want one baaaad.
I need to kill Hrordis in Pelagaid to get the Belt of Sanguine Fleetness, and I need to do it without gettiong caught? And since she won't talk to me, I need to lure her out of the city and then kill her.[/QUOTE]

Using a command humanoid spell to lure her out of town in order to kill her unseen. I like your style ;) . I never did it that way. I always tried to steal it from her. Not very creative, is it? Anyway, I'm going to do it your way now. All I need is a command humanoid spell or an enchanted item...does anyone know where to get one? Anyone? I want one baaaad. ;)
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Post by Genetic »

Thanks, but I think I'll go with the frenzy tequnique. I have pretty good illusion and personality. I don't think I can steal the belt because I think she's wearing it.
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Post by Raumoheru »

here you go :D

command humanoid
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Post by Athena »

Aryon's Dominator and Aryon's Helper

You get these items from Master (of house Tevlanni) Aryon in Tel Vos once you complete his 5th quest, the quest where you have to "gain support" from some influencial people in Ald-ruhnn. If you kill any of the people involved in the quest, however, Aryon WILL NOT reward you with his gloves. (Make sure your character is persuasive enough, if anyone denies you, ask them to "appeal to fairness" diolague option.)
I'm not sure if the items are or aren't on Aryon's corpse if you decide to just whack him. :p
Aryon's Dominator casts a strong (15 levels for a half minute I think) command humaniod/command creature spell, Aryon's Helper summons a Flame, Frost and Storm Atronach to aid you in fighting. Very cool items, if you ask me. I always have them in my inventory.
Command Humaniod sold by Felen Maryon in Therana's Chamber in Tel Branora. Commanding Touch is sold by Estoril in Rat in the Pot in Ald-ruhn and sold by Nebia Amphia at Hawkmoth Leigon Garrison, Ebonheart.
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Post by RebelousDarkElf »

It is a little messy but tells where all the merchents are and what they sell.
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