I have answered my own question!
The answer is that the console commands for joysticks are slightly different between Half-Life 2 and VM Bloodlines. The main difference is that Half-Life uses an underscore while VM Bloodlines does not. You can compare the two joystick.cfg files below (see step 3). I have editted a previous post I created for Half-Life 2, so it is possible to use an Xbox controller for Bloodlines.
If you want to use your Xbox controller to play VM Bloodlines:
Thanks to the many generous people in cyberspace, I have found a way to bring the console experience to the PC.
1) First, you need an Xbox controller USB adapter or splice the wires into a USB wire.
You can buy an USB adapter which will save you from losing a controller.
Or you can splice it:
http://www.fury-tech.com/Modding/Xbox-C ... ersion-Mod ()
Or or if you are hard-core you can splice and still use it on your Xbox:
http://www.ocmodshop.com/default.aspx?a=223 ()
2) Second, you need XBCD Xbox Controller driver
http://redcl0ud.hostrocket.com/xbcd.html ()
3) Third, configure VM Bloodlines:
Cut and paste the text below into notepad and save it as "joystick.cfg".
Place the file in the same folder as "config.cfg".(for me it is located in
C:\Program Files\Activision\Vampire - Bloodlines\Vampire\cfg)
Make sure the file is a ".cfg" and not ".txt". If it is saved as a .txt,
simply rename it to a .cfg and ignore the warning that windows gives about
changing the file type.
//Begin Cut Here
joystick 1
joyadvanced 1
joyadvaxisx 3
joyadvaxisy 1
joyadvaxisz 2
joyadvaxisr 0
joyadvaxisu 0
joyadvaxisv 4
joyyawsensitivity -1.0
joyyawthreshold 0.05
joyforwardsensitivity -1.0
joyforwardthreshold 0.10
joysidesensitivity 1.0
joysidethreshold 0.10
joypitchsensitivity 0.4
joypitchthreshold 0.05
//End Cut Here
If you want the look up/down to be inverted, make
joy_pitchsensitivity a negative number.
Feel free to tweak the threshold/sensitivity numbers while playing the game. You will need access to the command console. To enable the command console, right-click on the shortcut icon to VM Bloodlines and select "Properties". Add "-console" to the end of the "Target". (The target should look like this:
"C:\Program Files\Activision\Vampire - Bloodlines\vampire.exe" -console
Then, while in the game, access the command console while playing VM Bloodline with the tilde "~" key (the key below the ESC key) and type the commands. Once you are happy with the settings, write down your numbers and edit the joystick.cfg.
Also, you may need to specify the joystick name in the joystick.cfg file. I didn't have to as I have only one joystick. See Half-Life 2's joystick config below. (Odds are that the command is "joyname" for Bloodlines as it seems Bloodlines has omitted the underscore from their commands.)
Configure Half-Life 2:
Cut and paste the text below into notepad and save it as "joystick.cfg".
Place the file in the same folder as "config.cfg".(for me it is located in
C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\user name\half-life 2\hl2\cfg)
Make sure the file is a ".cfg" and not ".txt". If it is saved as a .txt,
simply rename it to a .cfg and ignore the warning that windows gives about
changing the file type. (You can do the same in other Valve games)
//Begin Cut Here
joystick 1
joy_name "XBCD XBox Gamepad"
joy_advanced 1
joy_advaxisx 3
joy_advaxisy 1
joy_advaxisz 2
joy_advaxisr 0
joy_advaxisu 0
joy_advaxisv 4
joy_yawsensitivity -1.0
joy_yawthreshold 0.05
joy_forwardsensitivity -1.0
joy_forwardthreshold 0.10
joy_sidesensitivity 1.0
joy_sidethreshold 0.10
joy_pitchsensitivity 0.4
joy_pitchthreshold 0.05
bind "JOY1" ""
bind "JOY2" ""
bind "JOY3" ""
bind "JOY4" ""
bind "AUX5" ""
bind "AUX6" ""
bind "AUX7" ""
bind "AUX8" ""
bind "AUX9" ""
bind "AUX10" ""
bind "AUX11" ""
bind "AUX12" ""
bind "AUX29" ""
bind "AUX30" ""
bind "AUX31" ""
bind "AUX32" ""
//End Cut Here
Note: The bind commands at the end are optional. I bound the auxiliary buttons to "nothing" because the console would list "unbound" errors. I don't know if that code is correct, but it worked for me. The game played fine with or without the bind commands.
Note: The joystick.cfg needs to be tweaked when driving vehicles. The left/right is switched when driving. There are solutions on the web.
4) Open XBCD Setup to make one simple change:
Change the RY- to z- and RY+ to Z+ by clicking on their buttons in the
Right Stick. Hit "Apply" then Exit.
5) Map the buttons to the Xbox Controller:
Although it is possible to map the buttons using more commands in the joystick config
I had many problems getting it to work. So, I use "Joystick 2 Mouse 3" to map the buttons.
You can get Joystick 2 Mouse 3 at: