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Be weary of the light side, or forever will you be lost to it

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 9:31 am
by Cesium137
This is actually a stupid effect in the game, that somewhat contradicts to the kind of universe portraited in both the games and the movies. While playing a light side character, I´m having NO problems actually staying on the light side. A small step here and there in the dark direction, but it´s easy to get back to being a "Light Master" and recieving the benefits of it.
On the other hand, playing a dark character seems a bit tougher, odly enough. Not tougher as to the game itself, but to REMAIN dark, and then I mean completely dark so you recieve the bonuses of being a "Dark Lord". It strikes me, that certain missions, many dialouges with the characters and so on, tend to give you light alignment points. So, while dancing through the game as a Light Sider, I´m actually almost breaking sweat staying dark when I diecide to do that.
Isn´t this a bit on the contrary to how it´s SUPPOSE to work, at least according to what everybody in the game and in the movies states? And how about that phrase "if you tread on the path of the dark side, forever will it control your destiny!".
To be honest, I´m having a pretty hard time controlling my destiny as to remain a dark character in this game.

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 9:35 am
by Darth Clayaken
It really isn't all that difficult, you just have to be vigilant with your conversation choices. Obviously, if you offer to help someone out, chances are you'll get locked into a light side quest. But then again there's the chance that you'll have the option to screw that person over afterwards and that's not always there in this game.

Okay, forget I said anything....

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 9:41 am
by Cesium137
Basic thing, when it comes to conversation with your companions, most of them seem to favour "light side type" conversations if you´re about to gain some influence with them.....after discussing with my "teammates" I always have to go out and be a real mean (your preference here). My point is, that it actually should be HARDER to stay light sided, and EASIER to stay dark sided, or if you like, HARDER to rewoke from the dark side

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 10:04 am
by Darth Zenemij
In the begenig of the game on peragus I often switched from neutral dark to neutral.I had no idea that I could have atton go to those damned mines! :mad: So yeah that was the only time I had trouble staying dark.Nar shadaa should be the easies with dark siders.I found it harder on KOTOR 1 when I was light side,They had running all over the place doing extra missions and other stuff.When I went dark :D I became a jedi gaurdian within my second hour!

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 12:16 pm
by Ergophobia
I think staying DS isn't all that hard, even not when doing light side quests. Usually if you help someone out you can afterwards threaten him for a higher reward or even kill him, which evens out the DS/LS points.

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 4:46 pm
by Jon_Irenicus
I think I can pretty much sum up Cesium's point by one example. There is at least one quest (that I'm aware of) that is impossible to finish with a net dark side or neutral shift. You HAVE TO recieve light side points for it (the infamous farmer equipment quest on Dantooine).

Also, it's quite annoying that you have to get light side points to gain influence with most people. Of course it's less annoying when you learn you only need the dark side influences (Hanharr and HK-47) to get stat bonuses and such.

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 5:30 pm
by UserUnfriendly
people, influence is positive OR negative...

high negative influence works just as well as positive influence...for the same purpose...

make them really hate you and they love you... :rolleyes: