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Omg Bugs
Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 10:31 pm
by Maedion
ok heres jsut a few bugs i've had alrdy that r getting annoying and need patching
1. Simply random crashes
2. Glitches that are not allowing me to reload my guy (this has happened to 2 of my games and im tired of starting over)
3. Wierd noises like the sound of a grey fuzzy tv channel
4. In dialogue skipping the person who ur talking to and not being able to read what they say.
5. Random sound turnoffs
thats all i have for now... i really hope they come out with patch or something cuz i wanna play game but all these bugs making me have to restart and redo stuff...
Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 10:44 pm
by Darth Zenemij
Yes when I was on Nar shadaa I went around in the places and gained a whol lot of dark siders and it constantly showed the screen going to go to a cinematic then says influence gainded Visas...But still gains dark siders...
Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 11:01 pm
by Maedion
im just getting annoyed cuz... i got to the mandalorian camp.. did the quests... talked to mandalore was prepared to leave and then it wouldnt let me save... i was like wtf..and it like locked up...
then i started over again..(sucked)...and after i got back from talking to atris it took me to the ebon hawk (on the walkthrough said i would go back to lt. grenn. since i went with the ithorians) everything was really bright and some of the rooms in ebon hawk were all black and not enterable... my people were in the middle room instead of normal spots... my hk droid was missing.. and handmaiden was acting up... it wouldnt let me look at the galaxy map... leave the ebon hawk or anything...
i just figure... i was waiting so much for this game.. and now i got these sux bad...wasted my money also... i guess ill start over 3rd time when i feel like playing in a few months...
PS: my severe bug was when i tried to load my first to guys... it got 1/4 done loading it on the load/tip screen and just stopped... and wouldnt let me do anything or close nothin just froze on the screen..
Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2005 12:21 am
by Xandax
This game is rather filled with bugs, and I'm terrible dissapointed in Obsidian. I had questlines that couldn't be completed, Swoopracing which wouldn't registred times, Dantooine was unplayable until I editted the .ini file and on top of this random crashs and lockups.....
Annoying and dissapointed.
Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2005 5:12 am
by Jon_Irenicus
And those are just technical bugs. There are a lot of infinite "something" glitches and bugs with the game engine. From the top of my head:
Fury bug: At later levels, Sith Marauder's and Hanharr's fury should give more attacks per round, they don't.
Hanharr bug: Infinite xp, dark side points and +2 Str, -2 Int for Hanharr. What's worse, after 0, his int fires up to 255.
You can que up two actions in a single round if you know how to do it.
If you are Dark side, when you remove the captain by the tower BEFORE talking to him about the arrested doctor, he will stay there even (as opposed to patrolling another area) when the prisoner is released. This is all fine and dandy, except every time you go near him, he will fire up the "saving the doctor" speech.
When on Dxun, if you have HK-47 on your party and kill the trapped Mandalorian on the cliff using the detonator, you will gain influence twice.