Legendary Longsword Locations
This Part Shows Locations of Some of the Legendary Longswords:
Here goes:
Goldbrand- Swim past the daedric ruin, northwest of Hla Oad to find a sunken ruin and a crumbled shrine. Talk to the head and receive his quest for restoration. Go to Vivec, Foreign Quarter, Jobasha’s Book Store and buy Bothiath’s Glory. Then go to Caldera, Ghorak Manor and talk to the Orc on the third floor about a sculptor. Give him the Statue book and 2,000 gold and sleep for about 2 weeks. Go to Khartag Point, north of Gnaar Mok and talk to the restored shrine for your share of greatness.
Eltonbrand- First, get the Goldbrand. Next, go to the Ald Skar Inn and kill a man named Shashev. Take his key (and ring) and be off. Now you need to become a vampire. Find a vampire nest and contract the disease. Next, go to Vivec Mage’s Guild and talk with Sirlonwe. Give her the key and then drop in one pile, 11,171 gold in one pile and the rest of your gold in the other. Pick up the 11,171 gold and you’ll get a message saying Go to Hell, Carolina! Sounds insane, but its actually a great sword.
Temreki, Shackler of Souls(shortsword)- Kill Larrius Varro at Fort Moonmoth and loot his body.
Chrysamere- Kill a mage in Abinabi, north of Tel Fyr. Be warned, the cavern is crawling with Atronach.
Ice Blade of the Monarch- Kill a robed man in Rotheran, South of Dagon Fel, for the Blade, his robe and ring.
Umbra Sword- Go to Suran, go to the mountains, somewhere east of Suran's Tip and in the mountains, look for a man with full Orcish Armor named Umbra. He will ask you to fight so he may die in battle. Be nice and agree, kill him and loot his corpse for his sword. Umbra is very strong.
Magebane- In the Laterus section of the Urshilaku Burial Grounds, it lies on one of the shrines.
Fury- Found on a dead hero in Kogoruhn.
Daedric Crescent- First, travel to Tel Fyr. Then go up to the Hall of Fyr, levitate up and look around near Diviyath Fyr to find a small chest and a key on his desk. Simple, right? Wrong. Unless you can open a level 100 lock, grab the key off his desk and go to the Corpusarium. That key, rather than open the small chest, opens a chest in the Corpusarium. In each chest you open, you’ll find another key until you open the last one. THAT key opens the small chest, which will give you a little amulet. Equip the amulet and transport to Megas Volar. Fight Lord Dregas Volar, and once you kill him; you are teleported back to Tel Fyr with the Daedric Crescent in hand!
Bloodskal- Found on the stone alter in Bloodskal Barrow, Solstheim.
Bloodmoon Expansion:
Shadowsting- Found in a "hollow" tree stump on the opposite side of Thirsk’s entrance.
Stormfang- Do the quest for Ulfgar the Unending, by hearing his story, going to Thirsk, buying a copy of Soverngard revisited, talk to him, kill him and get the Stormfang.
Tribunal Expansion:
Trueflame- In the Tribunal storyline, you will receive a quest to forge the blade.
Hopesfire- Kill Almelexia at the Dome of Sotha Sil and loot her corpse.
King's Oath(awesome shortblade)- do the mission involving the "common tongue" for the Mournhold royal guard captain.
The Gravedigger(awesome shortblade)- To get it, you must kill the Royal Guard Captain.
Bi-Polar Blade- Go to the Great Bazaar in Mournhold, talk with the Trader, Sunel Hlas and then Marena Gilnith outside. Keep talking about their loneliness and set them up on a date. If the date goes well, you get the blade. If the date fails… reload and try it again.
Her Ebony Scimitar- Found on Salas Valor once you kill him, along with other special Her Hand’s Armor. Also found on anyone in the High Chapel (besides Almelexia).
I hope this list helps somebody.

Yeah, yeah, I play on XBox.