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HK-47 (Spoiler)

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 5:46 pm
by Darth Moudi
After you talk to HK about the droids is there a way to find a way to the HK factory. What about the little areas on Nar Shadaa that are locked.

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 5:53 pm
by Th3 DoC
I would like to know that one too... its been puzzling the snot out of me :)

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 3:17 am
by Macleod1701
It's been speculated that there was a planet where the droids were coming from that was cut form the final release of the game, which is a shame as it would of furthered the storyline with HK. And seeing as I've only played it through as a LS guy I couldn't really gain any influence with my favourite killing machine.

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 12:47 am
by geekboy
There was a point in the game where HK-47 asked to see the Sonic Imprint sensor I retrieved from Peragus. He then goes on to say that he can use it to track where the HK droids are being manufactured, but only if you're on the world where the factory is.

If they did truncate this plotline, that's a rather sucky loose end to leave.

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 3:35 pm
by Darth Moudi
Problem solved

I have been meaning to post this for quite some time now and Im sure most of you are aware of it but the HK mystery was solved in the MMO PC game of Star Wars Galaxies. Its in the expansion. You have to take down the whole army of HK's I think. I havent downloaded that expansion yet. I'm not sure if they are going to do anything about it in the KOTOR storys or not. Considering its in Galaxies I doubt they will do anything. If they do then they wont do much since it is in the MMO game.

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 6:35 pm
by lonewolf13
[QUOTE=Darth Moudi]I have been meaning to post this for quite some time now and Im sure most of you are aware of it but the HK mystery was solved in the MMO PC game of Star Wars Galaxies. Its in the expansion. You have to take down the whole army of HK's I think. I havent downloaded that expansion yet. I'm not sure if they are going to do anything about it in the KOTOR storys or not. Considering its in Galaxies I doubt they will do anything. If they do then they wont do much since it is in the MMO game.[/QUOTE]
Are you talking about the Obi Wan missions on Mustafar?
I haven't played Galaxies because I hate MMOs. I saw it mentioned on Wookiepedia, but I didn't know of any relation to KOTOR other than HK himself.

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 8:44 am
by Alcina
[QUOTE=Darth Moudi]After you talk to HK about the droids is there a way to find a way to the HK factory. What about the little areas on Nar Shadaa that are locked.[/QUOTE]

General consensus among the knowledgeable (apparently based at least partly on files that can be found in the game itself) is that the locked areas in Naa Shaddaa were supposed to give you the clues that caused you to discover that the droid factory was in the Military Base sublevel on Telos (you know, the OTHER door you can't get through :) Like much of Malachor V, it was cut when the release date was brought forwards.