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Jedi Friends(SPOILER)

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 9:00 pm
by Tetinator2
Which of the people in your party were you able to teach the force to and make them jedi? What kind of jedi were they?

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 9:43 pm
by Rice~Boi

Mira, Atton were Sentinals
disciple i believe was also a sentinal
handmaiden was a guardian

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 4:10 pm
by mike1
jedi friends spoilier

Ihave made Disciple, Mira and the Iridonian but they were all counselor. I believe that the become same type of jedi as the maim character.

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 4:13 pm
by Admo
Strange, most people have said that they are set. Only really got into that on my second time through, but most people have said that:

Sentinel: Atton, Mira, Disciple
Guardian: Bao-Dur, Handmaiden

Which makes sense I don't think any "half-Jedi" could become a consular, not had the training for it!

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 8:00 am
by jeremiah
Disciple becomes a consular. So beef up his wisdom of 10 LOL. All the rest of Admo's list is correct.

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2005 12:12 pm
by Tetinator2
Bao Dur?

Is there anything you need to do to get Bao Dur do change, do you have to find someone on another planet that tells you something like they do for atton

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2005 7:49 pm
by Crunchy in milk
Bao-Dur just needs a little influence (be nice to him in Atris' prison, have him look over the atmospheric sensors on Dantooine, don't ask for more than 3000 credits for their return = enough). I'm not sure if your alignment matters (I believe it does). For me he spoke about his anger and I convinced him to give in to it and use it. He only became a Guardian however.

When corrupting the handmaiden I had become a Sith Lord by then and it said she became a Dark Guardian.

I was upset that Bao-Dur's dark side 'face' wasn't nearly as cool as Darth Maul from Episode 1. But it was countered by the changes in handmaiden's clothes (her white, hooded jumpsuit turns black with leather gloves and boots) and the fact that she puts on a bit of lippy and some eye shadow greatly improving her looks ;) She's the only person who looks *more* attractive when going dark sided.

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2005 5:06 pm
by Darth Lightside
okay I am having a problem with Atton. I have reached the point with him where I ask him why he left the Sith. At this point I get an influence failure. I am running out of planets to get influence with him. I have been told that you can make all of the potential jedi into jedi in one game. I have everyone else as Jedi. what am I missing with atton? how many more influence tests before the guy is a jedi? I know he probably sucks but i want to do it for completeness sake. I am just starting Dantooine and have already talked to the mechanic (which was supposed to give me influence but didn't I'm told) it is the last planet where Atton can gain influence I have. HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!! please?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 1:11 am
by Ergophobia
Well, there's one influence point left, according to the guide on gamefaqs, which is:
- Near Khoonda - Bao-Dur, Atton and Visas will gain influence if you
give Saedhe the Atmospheric Sensors for 3000 after commenting on
the hidden intelligence gathering equipment.

Otherwise, you'll have to take some DS points by killing the mechanic at the docks (make sure you don't have your lightsaber equipped) and tell Atton it was the best thing to do or so.

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 3:28 am
by jeremiah
I think you need at least 4 influence points before Atton becomes willing to be trained.

On the Harbiner, agree with his suggestions. Any other chance, agree with his ideas and compliment him.
In the Telos, Jedi academy, say his Echani training is an asset (make sure to talk to the Handmaiden sister BEFORE freeing the NPCs and DO NOT use Persuade).
Later on the Ebon Hawk, if you get the chance to advance training with Kreia to the point you can hear the thoughts of people on the Hawk. Approach Atton to ask why he counts Pazaak in his head to gain influence, don't know if you have to apologize for overhearing his thoughts and have him give you a boost to will saves. This may be a while before it becomes an option.
On Nar Shaadaa, have him with you when fixing the speeder in the Refugee Zone (but this is time dependent and won't be available after certain conditions) so he can assist in unlocking the security problem. Compliment him.
Do either nasty murders or nice things depending on how you want to play but the above 3 influence options are available whether LS/DS.

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 10:51 am
by Darth Lightside
I got him to convert thanks everyone!

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 9:39 pm
by Tetinator2
I've gotten everyone by now, just thought i'd post,

Sentinal- Atton, Mira
Guardian- Bao Dur, Handmaiden

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 10:58 pm
by Kayos
yea... thats what i got. ive never tried dark side path tho... and handmaiden ever looking good? i find that hard to believe... lol.

i usully only train atton and mira as a jedi.

i never train disciple as a jedi because hes a weeny and should be shot. heck... i dont even level him up.

ive only made bao-dur into a jedi once. during which i thought was too time consuming and pointless. getting influence from him was like trying to get a hutt to do a hand stand

haindmaiden was soooo easy to train. if you sneeze funny she becomes a flipping jedi. haha... so... if the mood strikes me... ill train her. if not then ill just leave her as is.

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 1:39 pm
by Thran Baill
I try and convert everyone...just because I can...and well, it helps to have all jedi party at the <spoiler>

part in the game where your forces get divided up on Dxun and Onderon.

I usually go by the influence guide that is out there for each character, though it seems to work out that its approximately one character, or less per planet worth of deeds. Except, I would say Mira, if your pereception is high enough, you don't need "deeds". I also think Disciple only took 1 or 2 easy points. And of course handmaiden...just fighter her and by level 16 or 18 she'll be a jedi...or maybe it's less, i forget.

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 8:20 am
by Alcina
[QUOTE=Crunchy in milk]

I was upset that Bao-Dur's dark side 'face' wasn't nearly as cool as Darth Maul from Episode 1. But it was countered by the changes in handmaiden's clothes (her white, hooded jumpsuit turns black with leather gloves and boots) and the fact that she puts on a bit of lippy and some eye shadow greatly improving her looks ;) She's the only person who looks *more* attractive when going dark sided.[/QUOTE]

I think Mira looks better DS as well. Unless its my imagination her hair becomes a darker red, and she gets a sultry sort of expression...

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 3:18 pm
by Kayos
i didnt like they way anyone looked dark side. every time i saw them, i would get the overwhelming urge to want to give them some lotion, antiwrinkle cream, and anti-aging creme. except bao-dur. he looked so much cooler ds then ls.

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 1:58 am
by RBitG
Ugh, those wrinkes did kind of put me off the DS look, but you can download mods that will give you a slower Darkside transition.

[quote="Alcina]1. But it was countered by the changes in handmaiden's clothes (her white"]

Which is quite a step up, for the Handmaiden.

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 2:21 am
by Kayos
i agree. handmaiden was just... icky... either way

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 1:05 pm
by RBitG
Meh, i liked her Dark Side. It was a shame that when they become Dark Side, they still liked you to do nice things, never really made sense.

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 7:35 pm
by Kayos
thats the one thing i didnt like about KotOR1. the only person who had a ds transition was your self. i thought that was rather strange. take bastila for instance, she was ds and she was still as unwrinkled as before.

disciple was a waste of time to train. he is such a weenie. he becomes a jedi, and hes still a weenie. instead of calling him the disciple, they should call him the weenie. god i hate him. and i never missed a chance to tell him that either. stupid disciple... so i never train him. >_<