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Rules from on High.

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 6:24 pm
by Obsidian
In light of some recent events, not necessarily on this board, but on others, I feel it wise remind everyone of the rules.

1) Read the Forum Rules. If you have any questions, please, PM me.

Here they are.

#1 - Flaming, humiliating, ridiculing, or belittling other members will not be tolerated. If you have an issue with another member, take it to private messages or email.
- Pretty straight forward. Think about what you are posting before you post it. Unlike real life, you can prevent yourself from saying stupid angry things on the internet.

#2 - Questions or ideas that deal with illegal activities, including any post related to software piracy, will be removed immediately and you'll lose all posting privileges.
- Including modding Xbox's to get free games. I don't care if you do, just don't talk about it here.
Straight from Buck Satan himself:
]"My personal opinion is that we should stay neutral to the general mention of modded consoles. However, if someone specifically states that they play (or plan to play) burned/copied games on a modded console, that's an act of piracy and should be handled as such. Additionally, I don't think we should allow members to post links or advertisements for sites that sell mod chips or do custom modding."

#3 - Profanity and/or sexually explicit posts are unacceptable. Purposely posting profanity in a way as to avoid our filter will not be tolerated. In extreme cases, we may even file complaints with your ISP or hosting company.
- This includes things like "WTF" and "OMFG".
We all know what the F means, and I don't want to see it any more. This comes down right from the top.

#4 - Advertisements for your website or another forum should not be posted, except in your signature. The only other exception to this rule is if the link is to a page that answers the original poster's question
- Clear enough I think.

#5 - Please do not spam. We are more lenient on spam in the Speak Your Mind forum, but excessive amounts will not be tolerated.
- If your reply is not on topic to the original thread, it will be deleted.
So don't do it. Ask yourself, does your post serve some purpose.

#6 - Registering and using multiple accounts is not allowed. If we determine that you have more than one account (by matching IPs, etc), all accounts will lose their posting privileges.
- Hasn't been an issue here, but has been on other forums. Moderators all around are being vigilant for it.

#7 - Please don't bump multiple threads unless you have something to genuinely contribute to their contents. Nobody likes seeing hot topics on the front page of a forum shoved back several pages, simply because a member has bumped several "back page" topics for no good reason. Breaking this rule repeatedly will lead to disciplinary action.
- don't clog up the main page.

#8 - Generally, if a thread has no useful content for other members, or may offend someone, don't post it. Let common sense be your guide.
- Any questions?

Additional Stuff:

a) If you are asking for a spoiler, or providing a spoiler, put it in your thread title, and in your post if you are replying.
This extends to situations in where you are asking for help in killing character X.

Say for example, "Need Help Killing Character X" People may not know that you will have to fight Character X. So try not to include that in your thread.
Put something like "Need help with Character X - SPOILERS"

DISCLAIMER: GameBanshee is not responsible, whatsoever, for the content, legitimacy, or validity of the information in these forums. Please exercise caution and good judgement when utilizing the forums.

- Clear as mud?
Any questions PM them to me.